
时间:2017-07-12 英文求职信范文 我要投稿

  在求职信制作前要确定自己的求职目标,使求职信中能突出目标职务相关的内容。例如,某人以往工作内容涉及的种类很多,在确定自己求职目标后,求职信中可以 有所侧重,与目标职位相接近的工作内容应该具体展开描写,而关系不大的职位可以写得简洁一些。或者,当您原先的工作内容与目标职位有些差距,也要考虑在职位名称和具体工作内容尽量能贴近目标职位。

  不少人认为求职信是次要的,把自己的工作情况简单罗列一下就可以了,关键在于面试阶段,因此,对自己求职信的制作也就过于简单,太过乏味。所以,这种求职信 无疑使自己的面试机会大打折扣。求职信内容一定要精心准备,给自己一定的时间仔细回忆以往工作的成绩和工作内容,具备的能力和技能,仔细回忆自己在学生时期 的表现和成绩,思考自己身上的特点和优势,细细的把它们展现在求职信上。


Dear Sir/Madam:


  Thank you very much for taking the time to read my letter of application.

  I am a graduate of the XX Hotel University management professional students. During the period of school, I seriously study the professional knowledge, and many times to get a scholarship. In the school and class activities in a variety of accumulated some experience, so that they have a good physical and psychological quality, and have a good communication and adaptability. Strive to master basic skills, in the study on the basis of professional knowledge, obtained through examination of Putonghua Level 2, computer level, hotel management division certificate.

  In school, I seize every opportunity to exercise their various aspects of the ability, so that they are needed in the modern society with the innovative spirit of compound talent development. Strive to learn professional knowledge at the same time, I like reading some books about science and social practice to continuously enhance their scientific and cultural knowledge from books, to improve their training content, pay attention to the cultivation of their solid knowledge and skills, etiquette training ability, for future work to lay a good foundation. No matter is to the individual or the hotel will create a proper value, I not only rely on their own things to do a career, and also down to earth from every detail to start, use industrious hands achievement tomorrow I dream.

  Besides learning theoretical knowledge system, the application of theoretical knowledge to practice, my personality is outgoing, like thinking, insight is strong, not afraid of hardship, during the period of University, I participated in many social practice activities, through the arrangement of the school, in the hotel internship for seven months, hotel leaders affirmed. During the winter vacation in the restaurant do a part-time job, through training also worked as a salesman, in the actual operation, not only strengthened the knowledge, but also learned a school can not learn the ways of the world. Because of this, I have accumulated a wealth of practical experience, but also pay more attention to team spirit and collective concept, but also more clearly my goal in life. I am willing to start from the grassroots, and constantly accumulate experience, improve the professional skills, become a real hotel people in their spare time to do part-time, learn to communicate with people, increase the life experience!

  Give me a chance and you a sincere! Not just to the stability of the work; not just the pursuit of happiness in life; more important is to realize their life value, meaning of life! I hope your organization for giving me a chance to play.










  给我一次机会,还您一片真诚! 不只是为了稳定的工作;不只是为了追求幸福的人生;更重要的是实现人生的价值、活着的意义!希望贵单位给我一个发挥能力的机会。



