
时间:2017-09-14 英文求职信写作 我要投稿



  一、语言表达要简洁明了,避免使用太多的专业 术语 和过分复杂的句子。

  一方面用人单位不会在一份 简历 上花费太多的时间;另外一个方面,简洁的语言表述也能体现出你珍惜他人的时间。

  二、在求职信的第一个段落当中应该明确地告诉对方你是在何家媒体看到应聘广告以及所要应聘职位的名称,例如Your advertisement for (职位名称)a Network Maintenance Engineer in (媒体名称)the April 10 Student Daily interested me。这样有助于对方了解招聘信息的有效传播途径。


  英文求职信中应避免自己的主观判断性的语言和评论性的话语,不要过分渲染自我尤其不要说出与事实不符的能力或特性来。为了避免过多的主观性描述,你可以在自己的 简历 当中用客观的数字和引述别人的话语来描述自己的实际情况。

  例如:I have passed CET-6 with a high mark of 96.


  在求职信的结尾,我们通常要提及关于希望得到 面试 的事情。因此,结尾一样要引起重视。在表达自己的这样的意愿的时候,切忌软弱、羞怯的表达方式,例如:If you think I can fill the position after you have read my letter, I shall be glad to talk with you。





  Dear leaders:

  Hello! Thank you for your busy reading in my cover letter!

  I am a professional web design schools Zhengda fresh graduates, in June 20xx I will graduate and graduate outstanding administrator. Recently informed of your company are currently recruiting talented people, I self-confidence through the secondary school years I would learn that I can do the job.

  I have a solid knowledge of computers and computer applications have a better ability to article from the New Mountain in 20xx by computer qualification certificates, in Hunan Province in 2007 through the graduation test module. I can be Windows 20xx/xp skilled operation, and can use asp, html and other programming languages, at the same time, I have flexibility in the use of photoshop, coreldraw, such as image processing software, familiar with the advertising production process, the printing process have a better understanding. primarily responsible for ad design, packaging, corporate image, outdoor advertising, brochures, business cards production, edition reported (pop), such as design work

  My professional firm and have a good theoretical knowledge of the background and a strong ability to hands-on labs.

  In the study, I participated in many activities of social practice. That is why I am in the production, sale, management has accumulated a wealth of experience.

  I am well aware that their lack of a "famous graduates," the ring, so I paid to make up for re-doubled efforts to improve their competitiveness. Their two years of hard work has been harvested, I have the confidence they have the strength of job opportunities for the future of the cause of more to explore on our own and struggle.

  I very much hope that your company can join and contribute to your company's development of its part. Enclosed herewith is my curriculum vitae. If the opportunity to interview with you, I would be very grateful.

  The performance of your company would like to wish every success!

