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  1、were all traveling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride.我们人生中的每一天都是一起时空穿越,我们能做的是尽力品味这个过程。

  2、they say at the end of your life, you regret the stuff you didnt do more than the stuff that you did.别人都说,人到了暮年,比起自己干过的事,会更后悔没有干过一些事情。

  3、世界会向那些有目标和远见的人让路。the world will make way to those who have goals and visions.

  4、回报不一定在付出后立即出现。只要你肯等一等,生活的美好,总在你不经意的时候,盛装莅临。the return does not necessarily appear immediately after the payment. As long as you are willing to wait, the beauty of life will always come to you when you are not satisfied.

  5、多要求自己,你会更加独立,少要求别人,你会减少失望。Ask yourself more, you will be more independent, less demanding others, you will reduce disappointment.

  6、忘切一个“不可能”的借口,去跟随内心的梦想,并坚守本心捍卫自己梦想的尊严!Forget an excuse for"impossible", follow your inner dreams, and stick to your heart to defend the dignity of your dreams.

  7、Go and see that person you want to see - whilst the sunlight is still bright and the wind is calm, whilst youre still young and hes not yet old.去见你想见的人吧, 趁阳光正好,趁微风不噪,趁你还年轻,趁他还未老。

  8、永远不要为难自己,比如不睡觉、不吃饭,这些都是傻瓜做的事情。全世界就一个独一无二的你,你一定要好好爱自己。never embarrass yourself, such as not sleeping or eating, these are things that fools do. the world is a unique one, you must love yourself.

  9、不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。Dont worry, the best will always appear in the most casual time.

  10、努力了的才叫梦想,不努力的就是空想!如果你一直空想的话,无论看多少正能量语录,也赶不走满满的负能量!你还是原地踏步的你,一直在看别人进步。If you have been working hard, you are dreaming. If you have been thinking about it, if you have been thinking about it, no matter how many positive energy quotes you read, you will not be able to take full of negative energy! You are still standing by, and you are always watching others progress.

  11、希望你所拼命争取的,最后都能如你所愿。I hope that what you are striving for will eventually be as you wish.

  12、别忘记初心,变成自己都嫌弃的人;自律使人自信,活在当下,过好每一天。Dont forget your heart and become a person you all dislike. Self-discipline makes you confident, live in the present, and live every day.

  13、勇敢的面对阳光,阴影自然都在身后。Bravely facing the sun, the shadows are naturally behind.

  14、从没有白费的努力,也没有碰巧的成功。只要认真对待生活,终有一天,你的每一份努力,都将绚烂成花。there has never been a waste of effort and no success. As long as you take life seriously, one day, every effort will be smashed into flowers.

  15、不是因为困难重重,我们心生畏惧;而是因为我们心生畏惧,所以事情变得困难重重。It is not because of the difficulties, we are afraid of it; but because we are afraid, things become difficult.

  16、强者不是没有眼泪,只是可以含着眼泪向前跑。the strong is not without tears, but can run forward with tears.

  17、舒适感,是成长最大的敌人!痛苦,是成长最好的标志!comfort is the biggest enemy of growth! Pain is the best sign of growth!

  18、All that you have lost can be won back bit by bit as long as you wish for it.曾经输掉的东西,只要你想,就一定可以再一点一点赢回来。

  19、the sensible man is not influenced by what other people think.明智的人不为别人的想法所影响。

  20、we must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。

  21、Everything will be ok in the end, if its not ok, its not the end.所有的事情到最后都会好起来的,如果不够好,说明还没到最后。

  22、the wise man builds no hopes for the future, entertains no regrets for the past.聪明的人不奢望未来,也不追悔过去。

  23、All that you have lost can be won back bit by bit as long as you wish for it.曾经输掉的东西,只要你想,就一定可以再一点一点赢回来。

  24、So what if we fall down? At least we are still young.摔倒了又怎样,至少我们还年轻。

  25、A bird is safe in its nest—but that is not what its wings are made for.小鸟在巢中最安全,但翅膀可不是为此而生的。

  26、However long the night,the dawn will break.不管黑夜有多长,天亮总会到来。

  27、Life is like live telecast of a tV event. there is no rehearsal. Hence we must strive to do the best we can in everything!人生没有彩排,只有现场直播,所以每一件事都要努力做得最好!

  28、today you do things people will not do,tomorrow you will do things people can not do.你今天做别人不愿做的事,明天就能做别人做不到的事。

  29、努力,不是为了要感动谁,也不是要做给哪个人看,而是要让自己随时有能力跳出自己厌恶的圈子,并拥有选择的权利,用自己喜欢的方式过一生。Efforts are not meant to be touched by anyone, nor to whom to look, but to be able to jump out of their disgusted circle at any time, and have the right to choose and live a life in the way they like.

  30、每一个不懂爱的人,都会遇到一个懂爱的人,然后经历一场撕心裂肺的爱情。Everyone who doesnt understand love, will meet someone who knows love, and then experience a heartbreaking love.

  31、Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain。生活不是等待暴风雨过去,而是要学会在雨中跳舞。

  32、the secret to happiness is this: Let your interest be as wide as possible, and let your reactions to the things and persons that interest you be as far as possible friendly rather than hostile.幸福的秘诀是:尽量扩大你的兴趣范围,对感兴趣的人和物尽可能友善。

  33、You know, in case you were wondering - the person whose calls you always take? thats the relationship youre in.你知道吗?也许你觉得奇怪,但能让你随时接电话的人,才是你真正在乎的人。

  34、we have been looking for, but it is her original already have; we always look in all directions, but missed you want, this is the reason why we still difficult to achieve.我们一直寻找的,却是自己原本早已拥有的;我们总是东张西望,唯独漏了自己想要的,这就是我们至今难以如愿以偿的原因。

  35、没有播种,何来收获;没有辛苦,何来成功;没有磨难,何来荣耀;没有挫折,何来辉煌。no sowing, how to harvest; no hard work, no success; no suffering, no glory; no setbacks, no glory.

  36、Hope for the best,prepare for the worst.抱最好的希望,做最坏的打算。

  37、travel far enough, you meet yourself.当你走得足够远,便会遇见自己。

  38、Before finding the right people,the only need to do is to make yourself good enough.在找到合适的人之前,唯一需要做的,就是让自己足够的优秀。

  39、Life is tough, my darling, but so are you.生活很艰难,但是宝贝,你也很坚强。

  40、站起来,擦干汗水。走下去,生活还要继续。Stand up and dry the sweat. Go on, life will continue.

  41、千万不要对还没发生的事情过分期待,也不要对没有发生的事情过分焦虑。Dont expect too much from what hasnt happened yet, and dont worry too much about what doesnt happen.

  42、It isnt what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.让你快乐或不快乐的,不是你拥有什么、你是谁、你在哪里或你在做什么,而是你对此怎么想。

  43、If you want love, give love. If you want friends, be friendly. If you want money, provide value. It really is this simple.如果你想要爱,那么请先付出爱。如果你想要朋友,请友好待人。如果你想要钱,请证明你的价值。道理就是如此简单。

  44、Its easier to give up, but you wont get anything in the end. Its harder to keep going, but you would get something in the end.放弃当然很容易,但你最终什么也得不到。继续当然很难,但你总会得到一些东西。

  45、I always feel that no road is difficult to take, and when one day there is no way out, I will find that any road in front of me can be taken and it can be connected. Hello May!

  46、A friend is someone who sees through you and still likes you. Goodbye in April, hello in May.

  47、May is a month full of possibilities, and only in May can "May I love you" be translated from "Can I love you" to "In May, I love you."

  48、Time flies, time flies. The bright April of spring has quietly left, and the May of summer has already arrived. Goodbye in April, hello in May.

  49、Goodbye April, hello May. May all the deep affection not be let down, all the efforts will not be in vain. After seeing the vicissitudes of life, my heart remains strong and powerful. Life, neither long nor short, happens to be used to take a good look at the world.

  50、Goodbye in April, hello in May! Through the agonizing April, I hope the days ahead will be better day by day!

  51、I would rather cry with a smile than regret. Hello May!

  52、No one will always be smooth, may you be stronger, and one day, you can smile and tell the moments that once made you cry. Goodbye in April, hello in May!

  53、What is maturity? I still like things I like, but I can choose not to have them; Things that are afraid are still afraid, but they can be faced.

  54、All lucky and coincidental things are either destined by heaven or secretly worked hard by one person. Goodbye in April, hello in May!

  55、Two people are called like because they are happy together, and if they are not happy and still want to be together, it is love. Hello May!

  56、Be good to yourself, because a lifetime is not long; Be kind to the people around you, because you may not meet them in your next life. Goodbye in April, hello in May!

  57、Work hard, what time owes you will slowly be repaid in the future. Goodbye in April, hello in May!

  58、Life is like riding a bicycle, only by constantly moving forward can we maintain balance. Hello May!

  59、Heart is uncertain, people are confused, and running to the ends of the earth will encounter obstacles. The so-called struggle is not about worrying about gains and losses, but about identifying the direction, setting the time, and working hard on tiptoes. Good morning.

  60、Life is a flowing river, and we are all the people who cross it. On the left bank of the River of Life is forgetting, and on the right bank of the River of Life is remembering.

  61、If you learn more skills, just say less about seeking others. The current effort is for the future without seeking others, and strength is the strongest confidence. Remember, living is not about winning sympathy through tears, but about winning applause through sweat. Hello May!

  62、Time drips onto the stones, splashing out fragments, and within that fragmented time, there exists an eternal past. Hello May!

  63、Time is a train that keeps moving forward, and the scenery along the way will fade away. Whether good or bad, it has already drifted in the wind. Now, this train takes us to the ferry of time in May. The things we should go and the things we should come are here, hoping to meet a better version of ourselves. Goodbye in April, and hello in May.

  64、Please treat effort as a habit, not a three minute heat. Every harvest you envy is achieved through hard work and dedication. Goodbye in April, hello in May!

  65、I still hope to be stronger, no longer expecting kindness from all aspects, but having the ability to make everything change for the better. Goodbye in April, hello in May!

  66、Sometimes its us who distance ourselves from happiness and turn our emotions into a complex one. Worries only trouble someones mood, or create some entanglement with life. Learn to be calm and understanding. No matter how wide the road in the world is, its better to have a broad mind. Hello May!

  67、I hope you will remain strong and brave as always, standing in front of the light and living the way you want to be. Hello May!

  68、Anything, as long as one is willing, can always become simple. Hello May!

  69、Dont let yourself live too tired. Think big, take it lightly, relax. Dont be too refined, dont work too hard, dont tire yourself, or your heart. Dont dwell too much on the present, nor worry too much about the future. When you experience something, the scenery in front of you is different from before. Hello May!

  70、May your future life be: not to embarrass yourself, not to disappoint time. Time, the intensity is appropriate; Peoples hearts are at peace with each other, far and near. Hello May!

  71、To live is not to win sympathy with tears, but to win applause with sweat. Hello May!

  72、The road is chosen by oneself, no matter what lies ahead, only one can walk it on their own. Goodbye in April, hello in May!

  73、Sometimes, there is no next time, no opportunity to start over, no pause to continue. Goodbye in April, hello in May!

  74、A person can fall in love with many people in their lifetime. After you achieve true happiness that belongs to you, you will understand that the pain together is actually a kind of wealth, which helps you learn to better grasp and cherish the people you love. Goodbye in April, hello in May!

  75、All my efforts and struggles are aimed at having a beautiful future and meeting an excellent you. Goodbye in April, hello in May.

  76、No one will make us better and better, and time is just a companion. What supports us to become better and better is our constantly advancing talents, cultivation, conduct, and constant reflection and correction. Hello May!

  77、May, may everything be well. Warm heart, warm emotions, warm emotions, warm breeze constantly swirling around. You will encounter more heartwarming things, see more warm destined people, have warm companionship, and be content in your heart. May everything make you comfortable and elegant.

  78、I like waking up in the morning with everything unknown, not knowing who I will meet and what kind of outcome I will have. Life is a gift that makes every day worth it. Good morning!

  79、You need to have sufficient strength in order for your principles and bottom line to be respected. Goodbye in April, hello in May!

  80、Do not seek great wealth and prosperity, only seek simple and happy life. The past is not in love, the future is not welcoming, the present is not disappointing, so peaceful.

  81、When we remove the stumbling blocks under someone elses frame, perhaps we are paving the way for ourselves. Goodbye in April, hello in May.

  82、In May, with green mountains and clear waters, birds chirping and flowers fragrant; In May, sow hope and look forward to golden autumn; Blowing the warm breeze of spring, we follow the footsteps of the season into May.

  83、In the fleeting passage of time, we scatter hope and love in the May wind, drifting with the wind and falling on the stars. The stars become shining, falling on the moon makes the moon quiet, falling on you makes you beautiful!

  84、In May, this watery season, sitting leisurely on the shoulders of late spring, the warm sunshine pours into the heart, stirring up the warm poetry in the depths of the soul, listening attentively to the leisurely singing of the soil soul, and prying into the authentic secrets of the countryside.

  85、The May breeze illuminates the lights of every household, grows a womans hair, and reveals her hidden charm, sweeping over mountains and rivers, and capturing everyones gaze.

  86、Spring outside the Great Wall always comes slowly. In May, when everything on the grassland recovers and trees turn green, the grassland is still covered in withered yellow. Only the small sprouts that slowly emerge from the soil bring a vibrant spring atmosphere to this land.

  87、May has arrived, and some vegetables in the fields are lush green, while others have already bloomed and matured. Let me explore this wonderful May with everyone!

  88、In May, the Goose City Trail is already covered in the color of flowers, and the branches are filled with a faint fragrance. Unconsciously, the symphony of flowers has already been played.

  89、I grabbed a handful of May breeze with my hand and smelled its soft and moist breath, with the fragrance of flowers and soil. Immediately, I put her in my pocket and left it in my heart.

  90、The first day of May has arrived, and my dream life is like this: there are flowers, there is the sky, and there is a distant place to look forward to.

  91、No matter what April may be, it has all passed. Let May be a new beginning for you, starting from your heart.

  92、The May wind, crossing the rugged mountains, brushes away the dust of time. The May wind, like the pen of a poet or the colors of a painter, covers every piece of desolation with green, giving the earth a new outfit.

  93、All spring, summer, autumn, and winter, only May is the most beautiful. The continuous rain in April washes the sky clear, and the sky is blue without dust. The passionate April leaves and makes me love the scorching heat of May alone. The thin, red, fat, and green mountains and rivers are just the essence of beauty.

  94、Thank you for the spring breeze in May, the bright sunshine in May, and the pure beauty of nature, which saved the soul here.

  95、The rain in May is variable, sometimes sunny and sometimes cloudy, sometimes heavy and sometimes light, sometimes sunny and rainy, and sometimes pouring rain, making people feel a kind of ever-changing beauty.

  96、I stroll in the May breeze, looking up at the sky, longing for the brilliance of summer, the splendor of autumn, and the solemnity of winter.

  97、The May wind blows the feathers of birds long, leaves green, and flowers red, igniting the passion of life and purifying the soul in the May wind.

  98、The storms of April have passed; The rainbow of May has arrived. My blessings, have you heard them? The most sincere blessings are for the most precious you.

  99、The rain tirelessly wetted the city, dampened peoples paths home, and dampened my already damp mood. Only then did I realize that the May season, when all things are thriving, will also bring endless nostalgia.

  100、Oh! Beautiful May has arrived, summer has arrived, although many flowers on the trees have fallen. But the trees grew even more lush. The birds hid in the leaves, chirping and singing happily.

  101、In May, carrying a ray of the fragrance of light summer, condensing a pure and pure dream, along with the unique richness of May, crossing the branches with the wind, staying on the other side with you, embodying memories that are about to dry.

  102、Lets go for a spring outing in May. In the dream valley of nature, gently pick up the flow of spring, release the soul, appreciate nature, and exile life in Tao Ran.

  103、May flowers are diverse in variety and posture. Please listen to spring, this season of May flowers like a sea!

  104、In May, the sky becomes clearer after being washed by rain. White clouds leisurely roam in the deep blue of a sea, bright and beautiful, shining brightly. On the starry sky, there is a crescent moon, and the clean radiance is no longer cold.

  105、May has arrived, so low-key, without any signs, cheers, and silence. It seems that no one except me has ever expected it. No wonder that May has arrived, and the days have passed the same way. May has just arrived.

  106、The fields in May are so beautiful! Everywhere is green, and various vegetables live a happy life here. This vast field is really full of vitality!

  107、In May, there is no spring rain and continuous rain, only sunshine and exceptionally fresh air after rain.

  108、May is a season full of vitality, a good time for people to travel, and also a season that requires us to work hard.

  109、If you have been touched by the wind of May, you will forget all the sadness in April. Goodbye in April, hello in May.

  110、In May, it is even more appropriate to sing loudly, standing at the top of the mountains and singing, so that this song can connect God and man, heaven and earth. Then, from the mountaintop, imagine with the bees amidst the flowers, savoring the melodious nectar together.

  111、In May, the warm spring has gradually faded away from us, and sweat appears on the forehead of workers under the bright sunshine.

  112、The pomegranate flowers that bloom in May are bright red like fire, with a fiery radiance. Therefore, many women like to wear pomegranates on their temples to add beauty.

  113、Let flowers return to flowers, trees to trees, wind to hot wind, rain to rainstorm. Life is full of ups and downs, winding in circles. Fortunately, there is still summer and May.

  114、The May breeze records beautiful legends, each of which transforms into a cloud and permeates the entire sky.

  115、In May, the grass and trees are flourishing, and the flowers are beautiful. The beauty that can be seen from the bottom of the eye is indelible. Indulge oneself in this state both physically and mentally. How can one sit and watch the wandering in the blue sky and white clouds. To disappoint the expectations of Mays colorful flowers and willows.

  116、The May breeze, filled with a smiling face, shines brightly with every flower, tapping on the sleeping sky with hopeful hands, dispelling decay, blowing away the smell of decay, and bringing clarity.

  117、In May, spring returns thick. Awakened but not in the morning light, separated by the curtain, spring rain rushes. Looking at the branches from afar, there are many new ideas, but I cannot see the apricot blossom period of my beloved. And wait for May and spring to thicken, with green covering three thousand miles in the world.

  118、In March, the weather is chilly with a hint of haze. In April, the rain is lingering yet poignant. In May, the wind is like a babys hand, warm and soft. Everything in May is just right, dripping yet gentle, passionate yet graceful.

  119、May is a month stained red with blood; It is a month illuminated by passion; It is a month rendered by love. The sky in May is always clear, and the sky in May is always colorful!

  120、In May, although there were a few fewer blooming flowers, those unknown little flowers were competing to bloom.

  121、The sunshine of May, without the restlessness and laziness of summer, is just the right warmth and warmth.

  122、Why do people have to work hard in their lifetime? Because the most painful thing is not failure, but what I could have done. Hello May!

  123、Tomorrow I have to go to work again, nagging Three happy days have passed like this Hello May Please be kind to me

  124、There is no such thing as a wise person, because this world will make everyone foolish. Only by focusing on life can one become a wise person. Hello May!

  125、A bad past will leave only good things in your life. Hello May!

  126、Behind all success lies the perseverance accumulated through hard work; The scenery in front of everyone is a foolish refusal to give up behind their backs. As long as you are willing and persist in it, one day you will live the way you like! Hello May!

  127、This world will not disappoint every effort and perseverance, and time will not neglect every person who is persistent and brave. Hello May!

  128、The May wind, crossing the rugged mountains, brushes away the dust of time. Like a poets pen or a painters colorful painting, it covers every desolate patch with green, giving the earth a new outfit.

  129、Never falling is not honorable, standing up after each fall is the greatest honor. Hello May!

  130、May is a season full of vitality, a good time for people to travel, and also a season that requires us to work hard.









