- 相关推荐
学校名称 | 年份 | 排名 | 英文名称 | 国家 |
南加州大学 | 2017 | 136 | University of Southern California | 美国 |
南加州大学 | 2016 | 130 | University of Southern California | 美国 |
南加州大学 | 2015 | 131 | University of Southern California | 美国 |
南加利福尼亚大学(University of Southern California),又译南加州大学,简称南加大,位于美国加州洛杉矶市,1880年由监理会创立,是美国西海岸最古老的私立研究型大学,世界著名高等学府。南加州大学是美国大学协会(AAU)成员、环太平洋大学联盟成员。学校的.电影艺术学院、商学院、音乐学院、传播学院、公共政策学院、医药学院、建筑学院、工程学院和多媒体学院等居全美前十。
专业名称 | 专业英文名 |
美国研究和人种 | American Studies and Ethnicity |
美国研究和种族 | American Studies and Ethnicity (B.A.) |
非裔美国人研究 | American Studies and Ethnicity (African American Studies) (B.A.) |
亚裔美国人研究 | American Studies and Ethnicity (Asian American Studies) (B.A.) |
墨西哥裔与拉丁裔研究 | American Studies and Ethnicity (Chicano/Latino Studies) (B.A.) |
人类学 | Anthropology |
人类学 | Anthropology (B.A.) |
视觉人类学 | Anthropology (Visual Anthropology) (B.A.) |
国际研究 | Global Studies (B.A.) |
艺术史 | Art History |
艺术史 | Art History (B.A.) |
生物科学 | Biological Sciences |
生物化学 | Biochemistry (B.S.**) |
生物科学 | Biological Sciences (B.A., B.S.) |
计算神经科学 | Computational Neuroscience (B.S.) |
人类生物学 | Human Biology (B.A., B.S.) |
化学 | Chemistry |
化学 | Chemistry (B.A., B.S.) |
化学生物学 | Chemistry (Chemical Biology) (B.S.) |
化学纳米技术 | Chemistry (Chemical Nanoscience) (B.S.) |
化学研究 | Chemistry (Research) (B.S.) |
古典文学 | Classics |
古典文学 | Classics (B.A.) |
比较文学 | Comparative Literature |
比较文学 | Comparative Literature (B.A.) |
地球科学 | Earth Sciences |
地球科学 | Earth Sciences (B.A.) |
地质学 | Geological Sciences (B.S.) |
物理科学 | Physical Sciences (B.S.) |
东亚区域研究 | East Asian Area Studies |
东亚区域研究 | East Asian Area Studies (B.A.) |
东亚语言和文化 | East Asian Languages and Cultures |
东亚语言与文化 | East Asian Languages and Cultures (B.A.) |
语言学与东亚语言及文化 | Linguistics/East Asian Languages and Cultures (B.A.) |
经济学 | Economics |
经济学 | Economics (B.A.) |
经济学与数学 | Economics/Mathematics (B.S.) |
政治经济学 | Political Economy (B.A.) |
英语 | English |
英语 | English (B.A.) |
叙事文体研究 | Narrative Studies (B.A.) |
环境研究 | Environmental Studies |
环境科学与健康 | Environmental Science and Health (B.A., B.S.) |
环境研究 | Environmental Studies (B.A., B.S.) |
法语与意大利语 | French and Italian |
法语 | French (B.A.) |
意大利语 | Italian (B.A.) |
性别研究 | Gender Studies |
性别研究 | Gender Studies (B.A.) |
健康与人文 | Health and Humanity |
健康和人类科学 | Health and Humanity (B.A.) |
历史 | History |
历史 | History (B.A.) |
历史与社会科学教育 | History and Social Science Education (B.A.) |
法律、历史和文化 | Law, History and Culture (B.A.) |
跨学科研究 | Interdisciplinary Studies |
跨学科研究 | Interdisciplinary Studies (B.A.) |
国际关系 | International Relations |
国际关系 | International Relations (B.A.) |
国际贸易 | International Relations (Global Business) (B.A.) |
国际关系和经济 | International Relations and the Global Economy (B.A.) |
运动学 | Kinesiology |
语言学 | Linguistics |
语言学 | Linguistics (B.A.) |
语言学与东亚语言及文化 | Linguistics/East Asian Languages and Cultures (B.A.) |
语言学与哲学 | Linguistics/Philosophy (B.A.) |
语言学与心理学 | Linguistics/Psychology (B.A.) |
数学 | Mathematics |
数学 | Mathematics (B.A., B.S.) |
应用及计算数学 | Applied and Computational Mathematics (B.A., B.S.) |
中东研究 | Middle East Studies |
中东研究 | Middle East Studies (B.A.) |
神经科学 | Neuroscience |
神经科学 | Neuroscience (B.A., B.S.) |
计算神经科学 | Computational Neuroscience (B.S.) |
哲学 | Philosophy |
语言学与哲学 | Linguistics/Philosophy (B.A.) |
哲学 | Philosophy (B.A.) |
哲学、政治学和法学 | Philosophy, Politics and Law (B.A.) |
物理和天文学 | Physics and Astronomy |
天文学 | Astronomy (B.A., B.S.) |
生物物理 | Biophysics (B.S.) |
物理科学 | Physical Sciences (B.S.) |
物理 | Physics (B.A., B.S.) |
物理与计算机科学 | Physics/Computer Science (B.S.) |
政治学 | Political Science |
政治学 | Political Science (B.A.) |
心理学 | Psychology |
认知科学 | Cognitive Science (B.A.) |
语言学与心理学 | Linguistics/Psychology (B.A.) |
心理学 | Psychology (B.A.) |
宗教 | Religion |
考古学 | Interdisciplinary Archaeology (B.A.) |
宗教学 | Religion (B.A.) |
犹太研究 | Religion (Judaic Studies) (B.A.) |
斯拉夫语言与文学 | Slavic Languages and Literatures |
俄语 | Russian (B.A.) |
社会科学 | Social Sciences |
经济学 | Social Sciences (Economics) (B.A.) |
心理学 | Social Sciences (Psychology) (B.A.) |
社会学 | Sociology (B.A.) |
西班牙语和葡萄牙语 | Spanish and Portuguese |
西班牙语 | Spanish (B.A.) |
地理设计 | GeoDesign (B.S.) |
建筑研究 | Architectural Studies (B.S.) |
建筑学 | Architecture (B.Arch.) |
景观设计 | Landscape Architecture (B.L.Arch.) |
工商管理 | Business Administration (B.S.) |
工商管理(电影艺术) | Business Administration (Cinematic Arts) (B.S.) |
工商管理(国际关系) | Business Administration (International Relations) (B.S.) |
工商管理(国际计划) | Business Administration (World Program) (B.S.) |
计算机科学/工商管理 | Computer Science/Business Administration (B.S.) |
广播与数字新闻学 | Broadcast and Digital Journalism (B.A.*) |
传播学 | Communication (B.A.*) |
印刷与数字新闻 | Print and Digital Journalism (B.A.*) |
公共关系 | Public Relations (B.A.*) |
航空航天与机械工程 | Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering |
航空航天工程 | Aerospace Engineering (B.S.) |
机械工程 | Mechanical Engineering (B.S.) |
石油工程 | Petroleum Engineering |
宇航工程 | Astronautical Engineering (B.S.) |
生物医学工程 | Biomedical Engineering (B.S.) |
生物化学工程 | Biochemical Engineering |
电气工程 | Electrical Engineering |
机械工程 | Mechanical Engineering |
化学工程 | Chemical Engineering (B.S.) |
生化工程 | Biochemical Engineering |
纳米技术 | Nanotechnology |
石油工程 | Petroleum Engineering |
聚合物与材料科学 | Polymer/Materials Science |
土木工程 | Civil Engineering |
应用力学 | Applied Mechanics (B.S.) |
土木工程 | Civil Engineering (B.S.) |
建筑科学 | Building Science |
结构工程 | Structural Engineering |
环境工程 | Environmental Engineering (B.S.) |
计算机科学 | Computer Science |
计算机科学 | Computer Science (B.S.) |
计算机科学(游戏) | Computer Science (Games) (B.S.) |
计算机科学与工商管理 | Computer Science/Business Administration (B.S.) |
物理与计算机科学 | Physics/Computer Science (B.S.) |
电气工程 | Electrical Engineering |
计算机工程与计算机科学 | Computer Engineering and Computer Science (B.S.) |
电气工程 | Electrical Engineering (B.S.) |
工业及系统工程学 | Industrial and Systems Engineering |
工业及系统工程学 | Industrial and Systems Engineering (B.S.) |
信息系统工程 | Information Systems Engineering |
职业理疗 | Occupational Therapy (B.S.*) |
政策、规划和发展 | Policy, Planning and Development (B.S.) |
人类发展和衰老 | Human Development and Aging (B.S.) |
健康学 | Lifespan Health (B.S.) |
戏剧 | Theatre (B.A.*) |
表演 | Theatre (Acting) (BFA) |
设计 | Theatre (Design) (BFA) |
音响设计 | Theatre (Sound Design) (BFA) |
舞台管理 | Theatre (Stage Management) (BFA) |
戏剧(技术方向) | Theatre (Technical Direction) (BFA) |
视觉与表演艺术研究 | Visual and Performing Arts Studies (B.A.*) |
口腔卫生学 | Dental Hygiene (B.S.) |
动画与数字艺术 | Animation and Digital Arts (B.A.*) |
电影艺术与批判研究 | Cinematic Arts, Critical Studies (B.A.*) |
电影艺术、电影和电视制作 | Cinematic Arts, Film and Television Production ( B.A.*, BFA) |
互动媒体和游戏 | Interactive Media and Games (B.A.*) |
媒体艺术与实战 | Media Arts and Practice (B.A.*) |
剧本写作 | Writing for Screen and Television (BFA) |
会计 | Accounting (B.S.) |
美术 | Fine Arts (BFA) |
艺术 | Art (B.A.*) |
全球卫生 | Global Health (B.S.) |
疾病预防研究 | Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Studies (B.S.) |
音乐合唱团 | Choral Music (B.A.) |
作曲 | Composition (B.M.) |
爵士乐研究 | Jazz Studies (B.M.) |
音乐 | Music (B.A.*) |
音乐产业 | Music Industry (B.M., B.S.) |
巴松管 | Performance (Bassoon) (B.M.) |
单簧管 | Performance (Clarinet) (B.M.) |
古典吉他 | Performance (Classical Guitar) (B.M.) |
低音提琴 | Performance (Double Bass) (B.M.) |
长笛 | Performance (Flute) (B.M.) |
圆号 | Performance (French Horn) (B.M.) |
竖琴 | Performance (Harp) (B.M.) |
双簧管 | Performance (Oboe) (B.M.) |
乐器 | Performance (Organ) (B.M.) |
打击乐 | Performance (Percussion) (B.M.) |
钢琴 | Performance (Piano) (B.M.) |
流行音乐 | Performance (Popular Music) (B.M.) |
萨克斯 | Performance (Saxophone) (B.M.) |
吉他 | Performance (Studio Guitar) (B.M.) |
长号 | Performance (Trombone) (B.M.) |
小号 | Performance (Trumpet) (B.M.) |
大号 | Performance (Tuba) (B.M.) |
中提琴 | Performance (Viola) (B.M.) |
小提琴 | Performance (Violin) (B.M.) |
大提琴 | Performance (Violoncello) (B.M.) |
声乐艺术 | Performance (Vocal Arts) (B.M.) |
托福成绩要求: 100
雅思成绩要求: 7
SAT II 成绩要求:不需要考
SAT 总分:1930-2230
SAT 阅读:600-720
SAT 数学:670-770
SAT 写作:650-740
ACT 总分 21
ACT 英语 28
ACT 数学 28
申请表: 在线填写/邮寄
附加申请表: Yes
奖学金申请方式: 单独申请
成绩单要求: 申请时提供原件+翻译件
推荐信: No reference requirement
申请Essay: 要求一篇
Mid-year Report(高三上学期成绩):需要
面试要求: 不需要面试
总费用: $65,044
Out-of-State Tuition: $48,280
Room and Board: $13,334
Books & Supplies: $3,430
本科学费:42818 平均奖学金金额:24811
住校:12078 书本费:1500