
时间:2024-07-11 10:09:49 英语句子 我要投稿
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  1、When a co-worker pays her a compliment, she feels alive again如注意有男同事称赞她,她会觉得精神焕发。

  2、The tradition of Yoga is a hoary one and has been kept alive by ascetics and hermits.瑜伽的传统来自十分悠久的年代,通过苦行者和隐士而保存生命力。

  3、The willows sway, without wind, and the night is alive with pulsing energy as we DISSOLVE TO.柳树无风轻摆,夜晚生机勃勃,同时我们把场景叠化到。

  4、TV show letters alive sees celebrities read historic letters, bringing their stories alive for the audience. XINHUA.

  5、I think you should be alive to the dangers of the situation.我认为你应该明事态的危险性。

  6、He was alive to the danger of the work.他非常清楚这项工作的危险。

  7、All my senses awaken to the changes, yeah, and I feel alive inside my own skin.我察觉到了变化。我感觉全身充满了活力。

  8、Why are you glad to be alive?

  9、Love is alive and constantly evolving.

  10、Is your grandfather alive?

  11、Poor Pinocchio huddled close to the doghouse more dead than alive from cold, hunger, and fright.可怜的皮诺乔蜷缩在狗窝旁边,又冷又饿又害怕,简直是半死不活。

  12、Hope keeps man alive.

  13、Technology is "alive" in the sense that a coral reef is alive.

  14、There are still hundreds of people buried alive under the rubble.还有好几百人在瓦砾堆下被活埋.

  15、A face alive with mischief一张充满调皮神色的脸

  16、Your physical body seems small compared to your totality, but it is alive and well.你的物质身体相较于你的总体似乎很小的,但是它是活著的而且很好地。

  17、So I think choreography is alive and well. But I wouldn't conflate that with BPM.所以,我认为服务编排是生机勃勃的,但我不想把它和BPM混在一起。

  18、And you have to be alive to feel it.

  19、Flaubert's strict, elegant, rhythmic sentences come alive in Davis's English.

  20、Tomcat uses NIO to keep the connection alive without wasting the waiting threads.Tomcat使用NIO(无阻塞IO)来保持连接活动,无需浪费等待中的线程。

  21、Hu Xueyan, while he was alive, was a legend already.

  22、Perhaps that's just the way Sicily is: alive or dead, the carnival goes on.也许这就是西西里:无论是死是活,嘉年华在继续。

  23、Your generosity has kept this site alive!

  24、Have the courage and strength to stretch, and you will feel yourself come alive like never before.鼓足你的勇气和力量来"拉伸"自己,然后你就会感觉到,你比以前任何时候都活得更有意义。

  25、She made history come alive with tales from her own memories.她用自己记忆中的往事使历史变得生动有趣起来。

  26、All organisms have irritability while alive.

  27、But my wiry little organ grinder pours his heart into bringing this corner alive with his music.但我那位瘦小的艺人却全心贯注地演奏着,用他的音乐使这个角落生机盎然。

  28、alive or dead, alive or dead,alive or dead, alive, dead, alive.

  29、Was the lion alive or dead?这只狮子是死或活?

  30、To Bury the ringleader alive

  31、It means keeping your country's or your city's heritage alive.

  32、Because I have tried it and I am still alive kicking.因为我已经尝试过了,我还活着踢。

  33、How can one be alive as opposed to half alive?

  34、Keeping the chemistry alive will keep your relationship alive!

  35、He's dead and it's no use wishing him alive again.他死了,希望他死而复生是无济于事的。

  36、He is alive with fervor.

  37、Mamie is still alive and lives in the Washington D.C. area.这位传奇的玛米现在住在华盛顿特区。

  38、AT THE ripe old age of five years, America's housing bust is still very much alive and kicking.美国崩溃的房市在经历沧桑的五年后,依然十分颓废。

  39、If my mother were alive today, how happy she would be!要是妈妈今天还活着,她会多高兴呀!

  40、Mr Thompson is alive to all three possibilities.这三种可能汤普森先生都意识到了。

  41、The sheep is alive.

  42、What a wonderful thing to be alive, to be alive, to have dinner with your family.

  43、It tells me repeatedly I can come alive my dreams!他不断的告诉我我能实现我的梦想!

  44、Are your parents alive?

  45、People who work to keep languages alive are not limited to the past.致力于让语言存活下来的人并不只存在于过去。

  46、To live is not to alive, but alive is to live…

  47、Dancing reminds me I'm alive.

  48、capture a commander alive

  49、They weren't alive in the way that people were alive, or even dogs or cats.

  50、But I'm alive and well in Tennessee.

  51、With these tips, anyone can keep a houseplant alive - even you!采用下面的建议,任何人都能让室内植物保持存活——甚至是你。

  52、Bear people will fade, but they are still alive, dead also still alive, spirit that they remain immortal.

  53、Lastly, fear lets you know you are alive.

  54、Our bodies are alive with electro-chemical reactions.我们身体活着,就伴随着多种化学反应。

  55、The enemy buried him alive.

  56、It took a weight off my mind to know he was alive and well得知他还活得好好的,我解除了忧虑。










