
时间:2020-12-25 18:27:18 考研真题 我要投稿


  I. Translate the following TRANSLATION-related terms into their target language respectively.


  1. CAT: 计算机辅助翻译(Computer Aided Translation)

  2. cognition: 认知;认知能力;认知功能

  3. corpus: 语料库

  4. diction: 用语;措辞

  5. discourse: 语篇;话语;演说;谈话

  6. domestication: 归化;归化法;归化翻译

  7. equivalent effect: 等效; 等效论;等效翻译; 等效原则

  8. ESP: 专门用途英语 (English for Specific Purposes)

  9. foreignization: 异化

  10. hypotaxis: 形合;形合法

  11. methodology: 方法论

  12. over-translation: 过度翻译

  13. parataxis: 意合;意合法

  14. Pearl Buck: 赛珍珠(美国女作家)

  15. Renaissance: 文艺复兴

  16. translationese: 翻译腔(代表着一种因不符合译语表达习惯而有失自然、不够流畅的译文风格) ; 翻译体;翻译症

  17. translatology: 翻译学

  18. transliteration: 音译

  19. Tower of Babel: 巴别塔

  20. under-translation: 欠额翻译

  21. 编译: translate and edit;compile

  22. 翻译研究: translation studies

  23. 化境: transfiguration

  24. 可读性: readability

  25. 目的语: target language

  26. 歧义: Ambiguity

  27. 神似: Spiritual Resemblance(此处应指傅雷的神似理论)

  28. 神韵: romantic charm (in literature and art)

  29. 死译: word-for-word translation

  30. 四字格: Chinese Four-character Idioms

  31. 天人合一: harmony between man and nature;theory that man is an integral part of nature

  32. 信达雅: faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance

  33. 形似: Appearance Resemblance

  34. 洋泾浜: Chinese Pidgin English(它是英语与上海话结合的产物,并且在一定程度上受宁波话与粤语的影响。其语法不符合英语习惯,语音受汉语影响。该语言流行于当时的上海洋泾浜周边地区,故由此得名)

  35. 意美、音美、形美: Beauty in Sense, Sound and Form

  36. 意译: free translation

  37. 隐喻: Metaphor

  38. 应用翻译: pragmatic translation

  39. 源语: source language

  40. 直译: literal translation

  II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively. (110)

  Source Text 1:

  Do you remember how Forrest Gump was preparing for the biggest pingpong match of his life to be played in China? Well, he came, he played, and he kicked butt. I am pretty sure Lose Face were the words of the day.

  The Forrest Gump pipe dream visits me every now and then. I have always fantasized about standing atop the gold-medal podium for the Red, White and Blue; victory paddle in one hand, 24-karats around my neck, Chinese opponents on both sides, with Old Glory rising and the Star-Spangled Banner playing. Ok, wake me up. Who am I kidding? The Chinese will lose their number one spot on the pingpong podium when Hainan Island freezes over. And thats why I started playing the glorious game of ma jiang.

  If you cant beat em at pong, ma jiang must be the second best thing, right? Now, I am not talking about mahjong, the matching tile game you play on the computer to kill time; I am talking about bona fide, cutthroat Chinese ma jiang.

  I feel the most Chinese when I am sitting as the ma jiang table talking in the dough. And most of the time, in terms of making money, Chairman Maos face is my friend, but hot streaks easily give way to cold ones. Indeed, most of ma jiang is a game of luck; I would say 70% luck and 30% skill.

  Unlike poker, in ma jiang, reading your opponents tends to be almost impossible, so tense staredowns are rarely seen.

  Perhaps, I am the only westerner in this city who plays ma jiang competitively. I guess you could call me the Da Shan of ma jiang, and thats part of the thrill for me. The other part of it is being just as skilled as my Chinese opponents, who started playing ma jiang when I was a little kid, swinging the Little League bat back stateside.

  Truly, when I started playing ma jiang, I didnt know what I was gonna get; I didnt realize back then, that today, I would love it so much. I am a competitive person, so I guess ma jiang and me turned out to be― well― you know, like those two compatible veggies. In the end, if ma jiang one day becomes an Olympic event, you know whats going down.(390 words)


  我时常会做一些阿甘式的白日梦。我总是幻想站在金牌领奖台上,披着美国国旗,手里拿着胜利的球拍,脖子上带着24K 的金牌,两旁站着中国对手,美国国旗升起来了,美国国歌奏响了。好吧,还是把我叫醒吧。我这是在骗谁呢?除非海南岛结冰,否则中国人怎么会失去他们在乒乓 球领奖台上第一名的位置。这就是为什么我开始玩另一种光荣的游戏麻将。






  Source Text 2:

  20XX年XX月,当建筑工人将北京银泰中心的最后一根大梁安装完成后,京城第一高楼正式封顶,它的高度为34939米。此前的15年,京城 第一高楼的荣誉属于京广中心,其高度为209米; 子在更早之前的1958年,京城第一的.荣誉属于50年代的十大建筑之一位于长安街的北京电报大楼。大楼装有四面钟塔,每当悠扬的报时钟声回荡与 十里长街,北京人常常会习惯性的抬头仰望高达74米高的电报大楼。银泰中心在京城第一高楼的交椅上做了不到三年,国贸三期竣工后,又将北京的高度 提升到330米。在国贸的不远处,则是即将竣工的中央电视台新址、北京财富中心。他们正俯瞰北京城,成为这座城市的下一个制高点。

  上述故事发生于CBD,即位于北京城东的中央商务区,这里已经成为北京最富有活力、最具现代化气息的地区之一。这些其实恢弘、雄心勃勃的建筑,是北京飞速发展的一个缩影,同时也是北京乃至中国崛起于世界的窗口。(386 words)

  参考译文:In December 20XX, with the last girder put in place, the Yintai Center, rising to 249.9 meters, was completed, being laurelled the No.1 Skycraper in Beijing. Fifteen years before, this laurel was owned by the Jing Guang Center, which is 209 meters high, and still earlier, in 1958, the laurel went to the Beijing Telegraph Building with a height of 74 meters. Known as one of the Ten Major Buildings in China in the 1950s, the Beijing Telegraph Building, located on Changan Avenue, carries a four-sided-clock tower whose ringing never fails to be an attraction to Beijingers. As the crown jewel in the city for three years only, the Yintai Center had to give way to the China World Center, which towers to 330 meters. Now, not far from it stand two sparkling gems, the CCTV Headquarters and the Fortune Plaza, which are vying for the new high in the capital city.

  All this building has happened in the central business district of eastern Beijing, which has become one area in the city featuring the greatest vitality and modernity. These imposing buildings, whichever may be the citys new high, are a microcosm of Beijings fast development and new symbols of the capital in the Olympic era, demonstrating the rising of Beijing and China in the world.














  I. Translate the following TRANSLATION-related terms into their target language respectively.


  1. CAT: 计算机辅助翻译(Computer Aided Translation)

  2. cognition: 认知;认知能力;认知功能

  3. corpus: 语料库

  4. diction: 用语;措辞

  5. discourse: 语篇;话语;演说;谈话

  6. domestication: 归化;归化法;归化翻译

  7. equivalent effect: 等效; 等效论;等效翻译; 等效原则

  8. ESP: 专门用途英语 (English for Specific Purposes)

  9. foreignization: 异化

  10. hypotaxis: 形合;形合法

  11. methodology: 方法论

  12. over-translation: 过度翻译

  13. parataxis: 意合;意合法

  14. Pearl Buck: 赛珍珠(美国女作家)

  15. Renaissance: 文艺复兴

  16. translationese: 翻译腔(代表着一种因不符合译语表达习惯而有失自然、不够流畅的译文风格) ; 翻译体;翻译症

  17. translatology: 翻译学

  18. transliteration: 音译

  19. Tower of Babel: 巴别塔

  20. under-translation: 欠额翻译

  21. 编译: translate and edit;compile

  22. 翻译研究: translation studies

  23. 化境: transfiguration

  24. 可读性: readability

  25. 目的语: target language

  26. 歧义: Ambiguity

  27. 神似: Spiritual Resemblance(此处应指傅雷的神似理论)

  28. 神韵: romantic charm (in literature and art)

  29. 死译: word-for-word translation

  30. 四字格: Chinese Four-character Idioms

  31. 天人合一: harmony between man and nature;theory that man is an integral part of nature

  32. 信达雅: faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance

  33. 形似: Appearance Resemblance

  34. 洋泾浜: Chinese Pidgin English(它是英语与上海话结合的产物,并且在一定程度上受宁波话与粤语的影响。其语法不符合英语习惯,语音受汉语影响。该语言流行于当时的上海洋泾浜周边地区,故由此得名)

  35. 意美、音美、形美: Beauty in Sense, Sound and Form

  36. 意译: free translation

  37. 隐喻: Metaphor

  38. 应用翻译: pragmatic translation

  39. 源语: source language

  40. 直译: literal translation

  II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively. (110)

  Source Text 1:

  Do you remember how Forrest Gump was preparing for the biggest pingpong match of his life to be played in China? Well, he came, he played, and he kicked butt. I am pretty sure Lose Face were the words of the day.

  The Forrest Gump pipe dream visits me every now and then. I have always fantasized about standing atop the gold-medal podium for the Red, White and Blue; victory paddle in one hand, 24-karats around my neck, Chinese opponents on both sides, with Old Glory rising and the Star-Spangled Banner playing. Ok, wake me up. Who am I kidding? The Chinese will lose their number one spot on the pingpong podium when Hainan Island freezes over. And thats why I started playing the glorious game of ma jiang.

  If you cant beat em at pong, ma jiang must be the second best thing, right? Now, I am not talking about mahjong, the matching tile game you play on the computer to kill time; I am talking about bona fide, cutthroat Chinese ma jiang.

  I feel the most Chinese when I am sitting as the ma jiang table talking in the dough. And most of the time, in terms of making money, Chairman Maos face is my friend, but hot streaks easily give way to cold ones. Indeed, most of ma jiang is a game of luck; I would say 70% luck and 30% skill.

  Unlike poker, in ma jiang, reading your opponents tends to be almost impossible, so tense staredowns are rarely seen.

  Perhaps, I am the only westerner in this city who plays ma jiang competitively. I guess you could call me the Da Shan of ma jiang, and thats part of the thrill for me. The other part of it is being just as skilled as my Chinese opponents, who started playing ma jiang when I was a little kid, swinging the Little League bat back stateside.

  Truly, when I started playing ma jiang, I didnt know what I was gonna get; I didnt realize back then, that today, I would love it so much. I am a competitive person, so I guess ma jiang and me turned out to be― well― you know, like those two compatible veggies. In the end, if ma jiang one day becomes an Olympic event, you know whats going down.(390 words)


  我时常会做一些阿甘式的白日梦。我总是幻想站在金牌领奖台上,披着美国国旗,手里拿着胜利的球拍,脖子上带着24K 的金牌,两旁站着中国对手,美国国旗升起来了,美国国歌奏响了。好吧,还是把我叫醒吧。我这是在骗谁呢?除非海南岛结冰,否则中国人怎么会失去他们在乒乓 球领奖台上第一名的位置。这就是为什么我开始玩另一种光荣的游戏麻将。






  Source Text 2:

  20XX年XX月,当建筑工人将北京银泰中心的最后一根大梁安装完成后,京城第一高楼正式封顶,它的高度为34939米。此前的15年,京城 第一高楼的荣誉属于京广中心,其高度为209米; 子在更早之前的1958年,京城第一的.荣誉属于50年代的十大建筑之一位于长安街的北京电报大楼。大楼装有四面钟塔,每当悠扬的报时钟声回荡与 十里长街,北京人常常会习惯性的抬头仰望高达74米高的电报大楼。银泰中心在京城第一高楼的交椅上做了不到三年,国贸三期竣工后,又将北京的高度 提升到330米。在国贸的不远处,则是即将竣工的中央电视台新址、北京财富中心。他们正俯瞰北京城,成为这座城市的下一个制高点。

  上述故事发生于CBD,即位于北京城东的中央商务区,这里已经成为北京最富有活力、最具现代化气息的地区之一。这些其实恢弘、雄心勃勃的建筑,是北京飞速发展的一个缩影,同时也是北京乃至中国崛起于世界的窗口。(386 words)

  参考译文:In December 20XX, with the last girder put in place, the Yintai Center, rising to 249.9 meters, was completed, being laurelled the No.1 Skycraper in Beijing. Fifteen years before, this laurel was owned by the Jing Guang Center, which is 209 meters high, and still earlier, in 1958, the laurel went to the Beijing Telegraph Building with a height of 74 meters. Known as one of the Ten Major Buildings in China in the 1950s, the Beijing Telegraph Building, located on Changan Avenue, carries a four-sided-clock tower whose ringing never fails to be an attraction to Beijingers. As the crown jewel in the city for three years only, the Yintai Center had to give way to the China World Center, which towers to 330 meters. Now, not far from it stand two sparkling gems, the CCTV Headquarters and the Fortune Plaza, which are vying for the new high in the capital city.

  All this building has happened in the central business district of eastern Beijing, which has become one area in the city featuring the greatest vitality and modernity. These imposing buildings, whichever may be the citys new high, are a microcosm of Beijings fast development and new symbols of the capital in the Olympic era, demonstrating the rising of Beijing and China in the world.