
时间:2023-03-26 11:53:17 面试问题 我要投稿




  One last great tip about the actual interview: Always end the interview with, “I am very interested in the position. What are the next steps to take?” Boy, are you eager? They’d be lucky to have you!


在面试结束前,考官会俯身对你说:“你对我有什么问题要问吗?”这时,你必须提出问题。首先,不要急于提问,要显出 你在思考有些问题在问的样子,然后从你事先想的问题中选出一个合适的提问。这里有风个备选问题:

  请您说说一个标准的工作日是什么样的。/ 对您来说,在这家公司荼好在哪里?/ 是否有充分机会参加一些讨论会、培训班,以了解公司的方方面面?/ 您为什么加入这家公司?


  Have questions of your own. Toward the end of interview. the interviewer is going to lean into you and say,” Do you have any questions for me? You must have questions. First, don’t rush into your answer. Look as if you are thinking about whether you have any questions and then ask an appropriate one from the list you’ve thought about beforehand. Here is a handful of potential questions:

  How would you describe a typical workday?/What is the best part of working at this company for you? /Are there significant opportunities to take seminars, classes to learn more about the different facets of the company?/Why did you join the company?

  Interviewers love to talk about themselves, so these questions will win them over every time.


谈一谈你自己的情况。/ 这个职位什么地方最吸引你?/ 设想一下今后5年、10年、20年你会在哪里?/ 你最终的职业目标是什么?/ 谈谈以前在工作中解决过的棘手问题。/ 你最大的优点是什么?/ 你对上一份工作有何感想?/ 你和其他应聘者的不同之处是什么?/ 你发前的经历、学历和大学活动与这份工作有何关联?


Have answers ready for these popular interview questions:

Tell me a little about yourself./What interests you most about this position?/Where so you see yourself in 5,10,20 years?/What is your ultimate career goal?/tell me about a project that had a tough problem that you solved./What are your greatest strengths?/What did you like about your last job?/What separates you from other candidates?/How do your previous experience/academic preparation and college activities relate to this work?

Most importantly, sell yourself as a problem solver. Think about the work you have done, the job you had in college, volunteer work you did, or the club that you founded. Then proceed to illustrate how you solved a particular problem by breaking that experience into three parts:1)The problem you encountered,2)How you analyzed it, and 3)The solution you implemented.




The best thin you can do for your interviewers is to make his/her job easier. If interviewers walk out after talking to you feeling like they carried the weight of the conversation, which is a strike against you. But if your exchange leaves them with a feeling of,“Hey, I enjoyed that,” that could move you that much closer to hearing that you got the job.

 First is the trap question, which comes up in almost every interview. The trap question is some variaton on“ What is the area you need most improvement in? ”or“ What is your area of weakness?” The real answer may be that you have are lousy to attention detail or that you are incredibly shy. Whatever you do, don’t share your personal weaknesses. Instead, try to find something to say that isn’t a real weakness,but a slightly less-than-ideal characteristic. For example: “I prefer to see a project through from start to finish rather than working on a single component and never seeing the finished product. I sometimes find it a bit frustrating to work without that overall context.”“ Sometimes I have a hard time saying no to people, and I end up taking on more than my share of work.” If you really can’t think of anything to say, you can always go with this time-tesed (albeit cliched) comeback: “I’m a perfectionist. I need to improve on not being so hard on myself and making sure I get everything right. ”


  对为何要离开你以前的公司而对新的公司产生兴趣之类的问题时,应该谨慎回答。 这样的问题(以及它们的答案)的意图在于证实你对新公司确有读音,而不是由于你被解雇或者在以前的工作岗位上犯了严重的错误。如果考官很尖锐地问你:“你为什么被解雇?”回答要简单扼要。譬如“那里的环境不和睦,许多人都被迫离开”就是个很好的回答。

  Be on the lookout for questions about why you left your old company and why you are interested in the new one. These questions(or their offspring) are designed to make sure your interest in the new company is sincere and not due to you being fired and/or having the interviewer throws at you:“Why were you fired?”keep the answer simple and brief.“It was a hostile environment in which many people were let go,”is a good way to handle it.










