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涂装机器人工程师 Paint robot engineer
职位描述 / Position Description
Ensure the integrity of the robot technical datum. Give technical support to on site operator.
主要职责/Main Responsibilities:
• 参与新涂装生产线PVC&中面涂及机器人的验收工作;
Participate in acceptance inspectionof PVC& top coat & the robot in new coating production line.
• 负责新车型PVC&中面涂及机器人仿形、轨迹及喷涂参数的编写和调试;
Responsible for writing and testing parameters of new car model in PVC& top coat & the robot copy form, track and spraying.
• 新产品、新颜色涂料的喷涂机器人调试;
Responsible for testing spraying robot in new production and new color project.
• 产能提升机器人调试;
Debug the robot production capability.
• 与涂料供应商协作对现场机器人喷涂质量问题进行分析、试验,寻求解决方案;
Collaboration with suppliers to analysis, test and seek the solution for the quality problem of robot painting on the spot.
• 对现场机器人操作者的指导培训;
train the robot operator.
• 降低机器人清洗时废溶剂的排放,降低油漆成本的可行性分析和实施;
Reduce emissions of waste solvent.
Analyze and implement the feasibility for reducing the cost of the paint.
• 协助中面涂工程师、密封胶工程师管控和提高中面涂、PVC的质量。
Assist top coat engineer, sealer engineer to manage and Improve quality of the top coat and PVC.
涂装项目主管 Paint Project supervisor
职位描述 / Position Description
To Lead new models’ production work according to the milestone and quality standard in the paint shop. Responsible for other related works.
主要职责/Main Responsibilities:
• 组织分管的职能组制定工作计划和各项工作责任制度,并进行日常及定期督促检查实施;
Set up work plan and job responsibility, and check and supervise daily.
• 负责组织并推进/投产新车项目;
Be responsible for vehicle project advance and launch.
• 负责组织投产,投产计划安排,与各部门协调及执行投产;
Be responsible to organize launching, arrange launching plan, and associate with other departments.
• 制定新车项目进度计划及实施方案,组织、主持项目进度推进的日常工作;
Set up the project schedule and implement plan, take charge of the impellent daily work.
• 协调新车项目有关的内外事宜,检查、考核项目的落实情况;
Associate the internal and external affairs, check and assess the project status.
• 保证新车项目的质量和进度,具体包括员工招聘、培训的计划与实施,项目预算的编制与实施,制造可行性研究的展开,设备工装的规范编制与获得,项目推进与关键问题的解决等;
Ensure the quality and scheduling of vehicle project (including employee recruitment, training plan, setting up project budget etc.
• 负责改进、改善量产后车型的工艺和工艺设备;
Charge improves and adjusts process and facility.
• 掌握新车项目中的成本节约状况、对环境友好性的改善、人机效率的提高、人机工程学的改进等;
Master the cost saving on production project and implement some improvement action.
• 负责健全和完善分管职能组的奖励制度,并以此为依据对职能组及个人进行考核和奖惩;
Be responsible to set up and improve the award policy, and implement the policy according to the personnel assessment.
• 汇集分管工作任务的进展情况及有关考核数据为工艺经理及相关部门提供决策资料;
Master the work status and supply the strategy information to process manager.
• 编制改进设备的技术要求和设备的购买和改造;
Make the facility specification and purchasing F&T.
• 完成公司领导临时交办的其他工作。
Complete the temporary job the supervisor required.
任职要求/ Qualifications:
• 本科以上学历。
Bachelor degree or above.
• 有项目管理经验和良好的英语能力。
Have good project management experience and good skill of English .
• 熟悉涂装生产工艺和设备,有良好的组织、协调管理能力。
Be familiar with paint process and facility, have good organization and association management skills.
• 良好的沟通、解决问题的能力。
Good communication and settle question skills.
• 良好的敬业精神,团队协作能力强。
Good spirit of work , and strong ability in cooperation.
• 掌握计算机运用技术。
Can use computer.
涂装项目工程师 Paint project engineer
职位描述/Position Description:
In charge of feasibility analysis of new motorcycle type’s coating process according to project supervisor’s guidance. Ensure that the technical data of new production modes is complete. Offer technical support to the site operator in new production modes.
主要职责 Major Responsibilities:
In charge of feasibility analysis of new motorcycle type’s coating process.
Responsible for reviewing and managing new modes data.
According to new vehicle technical datum, leading the technical documents preparation.
Ensure the main material and auxiliary requirement of the new production models.
Participate in the new vehicle debugging work, and supporting the on-site production.
Responsible for guiding and training of new model production to the production line worker.
Collect technology, quality, equipment, and safety issues of new model production, and resolve them.
With the area engineers to resolve technics and quality problem in new vehicle project.
Have good vehicle and working experience at automobile manufacturing.
Good respected spirit, good team work skills.
Skilled PC application. Familiar with office、CATIA、Autocad.
English skills required---CET6.