
时间:2022-08-06 08:40:17 综合指导 我要投稿
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  一. 就业许可证书Alien Employment License (15 working days)

  二. 官方邀请函 Official Invitation Letter(3 working days)

  三. 申请Z签证Z visa application


  四. 临时住宿登记单 The Temporary Residence Registration Form(within 24 hours after entering China)

  五. 体检Physical Examination(4 working days)

  六. 就业证 Alien Employment Permit(We call it “Work permit”)(3 working days)

  七. 居留许可Residence Permit(7 working days)


  已经持有有效签证在上海的外国人申请一年期证件流程:Expats who already in Shanghai with valid visa can follow below mentioned procedures:

  一.就业许可证书Alien Employment License (15 working days)

  二.临时住宿登记单 The Temporary Residence Registration Form(within 24 hours after entering China)

  三. 体检Physical Examination(4 working days)

  四.居留许可Residence Permit(7 working days)

  五.就业证 Alien Employment Permit(We call it “Work permit”)(3 working days)


  P.S.:Usually every step just can be started after the former step finished. The procedure should be finished within 30 days after entering China.

  一. 就业许可证书Employment License

  1. 所需材料 Materials needed


  The educational certificate (copy of English, Chinese , both chopped)


  Up-to-date Resume, including educational qualification and comprehensive work history with exact month and year. (copy of English, Chinese ,both chopped)


  The reference letter from the last company (copy of English, Chinese, both chopped)


  A copy of valid passport ID page


  A copy of the Duplicate of Business License (chopped)


  A copy of the organization code (chopped)


  A copy of the Approval certificate of Foreign-funded Enterprise (chopped)


  One Application Form for Foreigner’s Employment (chopped)

  2. 需要时间: 15个工作日

  The time for apply: 15working days

  3. 注意事项:《外国人就业许可证书》自签发之日起六个月有效,过期不办有关手续的,许可证书自动失效。

  Notice: Employment License is effective for six months from the date of issuance, expiration not to do the formalities。 the license will be lapse automatically.

  二. 官方邀请函 Official Invitation Letter

  1. 所需材料 Materials needed


  The original Employment License and one copy


  a copy of the Duplicate of Business License


  a chopped application form (printed by the government website)


  A copy of valid passport ID page

  2. 需要时间: 3个工作日

  The time for apply::3 working days

  3. 注意事项: 申请职业(就业)签证的邀请单位应提交:登记表(包括:被邀请人姓名、国籍、性别、年龄、护照号、来华事由、入境日期、停留期限等);“就业许可证”原件及复印件各一份;被邀请人护照复印件;企业营业执照的复印件。

  Notice: Apply for employment visas should be submitted to the sponsoring organization: registration form (including being invited to name, nationality, gender. age, passport number, the subject of china, entry date, duration of stay, etc.)

  三、申请Z签证 Z visa application

  1. 所需材料 Materials needed

  (1) 就业许可证书原件 the original Employment License

  (2) 官方邀请函 the invitation letter

  (3) 健康证明书 the health certificate

  2.需要时间: 5/3/1个工作日

  The time for apply: 5/3/1 working days

  3. 注意事项:签证须在自己国籍所在地进行,各个国家的不同规定可能所需时间也不一样。

  Note: Z visa application is to be in theirs Nationality, perhaps the time for apply is different as the different requirements between each country.

  四.临时住宿登记单The Temporary Residence Registration Form(within 24 hours after entering China)

  1.所需材料 Materials needed

  (1)护照原件及复印件the original and copy of passport

  (2)租赁合同 the lease contract

  (3)房产证明 the property ownership certificate

  (4)物业证明 the property management confirmation


  The time for apply:on the spot


  Note:Every residence district is under the jurisdiction of the different police stations perhaps the materials needed are different.

  五. 体检 Physical Examination

  1. 所需材料 Materials needed

  (1) 彩色2寸照片4张 4 passport style photos

  (2) 有效护照原件和照片页复印件 Original valid passport and a copy of ID page

  (3) 企业营业执照副本复印件一份 A copy of the Duplicate of Business License

  2. 需要时间: 提前一周预约,4个工作日

  The time for apply:one week booking in advance,5 working days

  3. 注意事项:体检须空腹;如果以前在其它国家做过体检,请务必携带相关材料报告。

  Notice: Keep limosis before examination. If physical examination done in other countries before, please make sure to bring the relevant material reports.

  六.就业证 Work permit

  1. 所需材料:Materials needed

  (1)2份盖公章的外国人就业登记表 Two Employment Registration Form of foreign Employees (chopped)

  (2)就业许可证书正本和复印件一份the original and copy of Employment License

  (3)用人单位与被聘用外国人签订的劳动合同/境外公司出具的派遣函(派遣函应明确:劳动报酬的支付者、被聘用人员的职位和聘雇期限) A copy of the labor Contract/the assignment letter offered by the company oversea(it should indicate that the compensation payer, the opposition of the employee and the employment duration ). (chopped)

  (4)健康证明书复印件一份 A copy of the health Certificate

  (5)有效护照原件和照片页签证页复印件 Original valid passport, and a copy of ID page and visa page

  (6) 彩色2寸照片3张(其中2张用于申请表,另外1张用于就业证) Three passport style photos (2 for the forms, 1 for the Work Permit Certificate)

  2. 需要时间:3个工作日

  The time for apply: 3 working days

  3. 注意事项:如劳动合同或相应的证明材料是外文的,需同时提供中文翻译件,翻译件由用人单位盖章.

  Notice: such ad labor contracts or the corresponding documents is a foreign language is required to provide the chinese translation, translation stamped by the employer.

  七.居留许可Residence Permit

  1. 所需材料:Materials needed

  (1)彩色2寸照片1张 one passport style photo

  (2)健康证明原件 the original of the Health Certificate

  (3)单位申请公函(盖公章)the official letter of application of the unit (chopped)

  (4)组织机构代码复印件(盖公章) the organization code(chopped)

  (5)企业营业执照副本复印件 (盖公章)the Duplicate of Business License(chopped)

  (6)企业批准证书复印件(盖公章)the certificate of Approval of Enterprise (chopped)

  (7) 临时住宿登记单 the Temporary Residence Registration Certificate

  (8)提交有效护照原件 the original of the valid passport and (submit)

  (9)提交就业证原件和就业登记表原件 the original of Work Permit(submit) and the Employment Registration Form

  2. 需要时间:7个工作日

  The time for apply: 7 working days

  3. 注意事项:持标D、Z、X1、J1、Q1、S1字签证的外国人以及根据中国政府同外国政府签定的协议免办签证入境,需在中国停留30日以上的外国人,必须自入境之日起30日内到居住地市、县**局办理外国人居留证或者外国人临时居留证。

  Notice: Holding visas D, Z, X1, J1, Q1,S1 visa for foreigners and foreign governments, according to the chinese government signed an agreement with the visa-free entry to be in china, foreigners who stay more than 30days, must within 30days of entry days from from the residence of the city or country public security bureau residence permit or temporary residence permit.










