George Mathew
15th Lane Avenue, Near New church, Georgina
Home: 00658-21589-98754
Cell: 00125-4587-9685
Career Profile:
Highly accomplished, talented and professional Marketing Communication Specialist with extensive knowledge of sales in communication media and advertising materials. Seeking for a position as Marketing Communication Specialist to enhance my professional experience and work for the growth of the organization. Professional strengths:
- Possess highly organized and creative skills
- Familiar with media advertising and communications
- Possess advanced written and communication skills
- In-depth knowledge of communication products and services
- Extensive knowledge of computer programs like IIIustrator, Photoshop and Desktop Publishing Softwares
- Possess excellent problem solving and research skills
- Ability to handle multiple assignments simultaneously
- Possess excellent analytical and presentation skills
- In-depth knowledge of writing and editing industrial products
- Goal oriented and ability to work under pressure
Professional Experience:
Media Integrates Enterprises Co Inc, Georgina
20XX till date
Marketing Communication Specialist
- Assigned the tasks of reviewing sales reports to determine the success and failure of advertising campaigns
- Responsible for translating the trends of the organization to create effective marketing materials
- Handled the tasks of organizing marketing campaigns with colleagues to achieve customer satisfaction
- Responsible for creating brochures, press releases and advertisements
- Assigned the responsibilities of updating reports to the marketing manager or advertising department
- Oversaw traffic management like creative print, advertising, web and press opportunities
- Handled the tasks of assisting Communication Director in planning and executing communications strategies
- Worked cooperatively with Sales and Marketing management for projects and promotions
- Assisted seniors with a variety of Corporate Communications projects like creating PowerPoint presentations, light copywriting and product promotions
ABC Associates Co Inc, Georgina
20XX to 20XX
Marketing Communication Specialist
- Handled the tasks of writing and designing printed reports, newsletters and advertisements to promote various products
- Assigned the tasks of conceptualizing, organizing, writing, editing and illustrating products
- Worked collaboratively with Marketing Department to develop sales prospect of the organization
- Assisted Directors in direct mail campaigns and targeted mailings
- Responsible for coordinating and distributing materials from vendors
- Handled the tasks of gathering information and conducting market research of financial industries
- Monitored and supervised roll-out of campaigns and evaluated the success level
- Assigned the tasks of direct mailing programs
Educational Summary and Certifications:
- Bachelor's degree in Marketing, College of Marketing and Advertisement, Georgina 19XX
- Master's degree in Business Administration, Department of MBA, Georgina University, 19XX
- Certification Course in Communication, Georgina 19XX
Personal Details:
Name: George Mathew
- Date of Birth: XX/XX/19XX
- Employment Status: Full time
- Relationship status: Married
Will be available upon request