
时间:2024-06-08 08:09:01 高中说课稿 我要投稿






  班上的学生刚从初三升入高一的学习时,由于进行全英教学,有些学生还不是很适应,特别是从镇、农村考上来的学生,在听说方面有比较大的困难。由于初高中对学生的要求不同,学生普遍的问题是词汇量比较少,用中文思维,不知如何用英语表达等,但学生对英语学习的热情还是比较高涨,兴趣较浓。学生对本课时的话题No Drugs有所了解,在前一课的Reading and vocabulary中对吸毒及其危害的词汇接触了一些,但还是比较有限。因此在教此课前布置学生通过媒体网络上了解相关的背景信息。在课堂教学中,努力激发学生参与教学活动的热情,积极思考,相互讨论,共同协作。


  本课时所教的是外研版高一上学期使用的必修⑵Module2中的Listening and vocabulary和speaking部分的内容,是本模块的第三课时。要求通过听的活动了解和学习有关吸毒和犯罪的词汇,培养表达结果,作总结逻辑思维能力和获取信息的能力。Speaking讨论抽烟带来的危害,为了与听力部分的内容衔接,我对Speaking中的话题作个修改,把讨论吸烟的危害改编成毒品的危害。在这节听说课之前,学生学习了Reading and vocabulary,通过阅读文章,已经掌握了部分抽烟、吸毒及其危害的词汇,本课时由复习旧课入手,引入新课的新词汇,并以听说为主线,对吸毒这一主题进行延伸和拓展。






  学习策略方面:通过组织学生预测问题、听辩问题,培养抓住和辨别信息要点的能力。通过拓展讨论问题,培养学生独立思考,自主学习的能力。以individual work,pair work,group work等形式加强合作学习,从网上或其它媒体了解吸毒危害,学会分析、归纳。





  I Organization for class II Teaching of the new lesson Part one:Listening and Vocabulary Task1:学习新单词,扫除部分听力障碍

  Step1:做Activity1,复习Reading and Vocabulary中有关Adam Rouse的内容,从而学习新单词,通过师生的问答方式引入。

  T:What did Adam Rouse do when he didn’t have money to pay for his addiction?S:He broke into a house to steal、T:We call it burglary、So was it legal or illegal?S:Of course it was illegal、T:Sometimes some other addicts will not only break into people’s houses to steal,but also in small shops or shopping centers we call it shoplifting、T:Do you think that burglary or shoplifting are good behavior,good for society and people?S、Of course not、T:They break the law when they do it、It is a crime and we call those people who break the law criminals。



  l、______ are the large places where you can buy things。

  2、It is _____ to take drug as it is against the law。

  3、______ are people who break the law。

  4、_______ is the crime of stealing from a shop。

  5、_______ is the crime of stealing from a house。

  6、______ centers can help people to stop taking drugs。


  Step3:设疑、导读、预测:T:According to the given vocabulary,can you guess what the listening material is about?(启发学生的想象思维)T:Go through the questions in Activity 2 and predict the answers。(让学生讨论,培养学生的预测能力)

  Step4:导听、释题、听辩交流:T:For the 1st time,listen and try to get the answers to the 5 questions in Activity 2、Require that students should write down some related information、Questions:

  1、Is the woman in the studio a police officer?

  2、Is she sure about the number of people who steal to pay for drugs?

  3、Do drug users only steal from shops?

  4、Do all drug users attend treatment centers?

  5、Are most drug users young men?(在教师的引导下,学生开始听录音)(针对听力练习的具体任务、目标)

  T:For the 2nd time,listen and try to fill in the form below、name of the interviewee job of the woman number of the people who use illegal drugs in Britain number of the people who break the law to pay for drugs number of the addicts who go to treatment centers crimes they commit After listening,check the answers。(在教师的.指导下,学生边听录音斩作摘记,养成边听边记边理解的良好习惯)

  Step 5:浏览原文,检查核对,扫除疑问。

  再播放一次录音,把录音材料编成完形填空的形式,让学生复习,核对检查所听内容)(individual work ———— pair work)I==Interviewer P===Professor

  I:Good evening,and welcome to the show、With me in the studio is Professor Marion Smith,who is an expert on the ___________ between ________ and ________、Good evening,Professor Smith。

  P:Good evening。

  I:First of all,how many people use _________ drugs in Britain?

  P:Possibly four million people。

  I:Really?Four million?


  I:How many of them ________________ in order to pay for their drugs?

  P:It’s possible that a hundred thousand people ______ in order to pay for their ___________。

  I:A hundred thousand?!That’s incredible、And what kinds of __________ do they commit?

  P:Mainly _________————— in other words,stealing from shops———— and __________、Stealing from houses。

  I:I see。

  P:And there’s another problem、Drug users get into trouble with the police for other reasons as well。

  I:What kinds of reasons?

  P:Well。,you often see drug users in public places,———_______________,railway stations,for example————— and some of the them behave so badly that members of the public _______________、Some people feel so _______ when they see drug users that they call the police anyway。

  I:This is a really bad problem,isn’t it?

  P:Absolutely,but the good news is that drug users who go to ______________ usually stop their ______________ activities。

  I:How many addicts go to treatment centers?

  P:Last year,about 30,000 people went to drug treatment centers。

  I:Thirty thousand?That’s amazing。

  P:Yes,there are such a lot of people that there isn’t time ________________。

  I:What kind of people are they?

  P:Well,the majority are young people in their twenties、And about 75 percent of the young people are men。

  I:And do all these people live in cities?

  P:Oh no、The ___________ of drug users in society is the same in cities and in the countryside、But they all have something in common。

  I:What is that?

  P:Drug users are more likely to ________________ at school。

  I:Professor Marison Smith,thank you very much。

  P:Thank you。(发放录音材料,让学生核对检查所听内容)

  Step 6:给关键词,概括大意The connection between crime and drug addiction The illegal drug use—————the result The public ‘s attitude towards drug users The way to help drug users T:Suppose you are the interview,after you finish your interview with the professor,you realize that you still have got 2—3 minutes to end your program,now you are required to give a summary of your interview and call on the people to say no to drugs、(Ask students to discuss with his group members first and later check。)Part II Speaking在学生完成听力的基础上,适当对听力材料进行拓展,通过提问引出相关的话题,让学生分组的讨论。




  1、Has anyone been to your school to talk about the danger of drugs?What are the dangers of using drugs?(to the drug addicts themselves,to the family and the society)

  2、What do you think of those drug addicts?What is your attitude to those drug users?

  3、What do you think are the reasons for those people to become drug addicts?What can the society do to help them?

  Step8:学生分组讨论、自由讨谈,由每组的group leader负责记录信息,组织活动。



  1、口语练习(组成一个interview)group work。

  Suppose you are going to have a program to make people realize the danger of taking drugs and you are going to interview the following people————a drug addict,a police officer,a clerk in the treatment centre、Give the proper questions to each of them and make them interested in your topic、And of course the interviewee please be co—operative and give the proper answer、The whole team should try to make the interview go smoothly、The interview A police officer A drug addict A clerk in the treatment centre

  2、作文:My idea about drugs。

  3、Evaluation about your performance in class、Make your marks out of ten 1、How attentive were you?2、How much did you contribute to the lesson?3、How much did you learn?

  4、How much did you co—operate with your group members?30———40 very good 20—30 ok below 20 not very well and need improving






  我说课的内容是外研版《英语》(新标准)高中第三册(必修3)Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia本模块介绍了亚洲(主要是中国)沙尘暴的情况,并引入了与沙尘暴和环保有关的词汇。要求学生了解沙尘暴方面的知识并掌握相关词汇,培养学生用英语谈论沙尘暴及环保的语言技能。

  Introduction 部分为此模块的warming up,介绍与“沙尘暴”有关的词汇,并设计了三个练习活动。通过教材设计的这三个活动,可以让学生初步熟悉这些词的意义,为以后的各项学习活动做好准备。Reading and Vocabulary 该部分介绍了“亚洲的沙尘暴”。围绕着课文,编者设计了五个与课文内容和词汇有关的练习。通过这些练习,学生可以增进对沙尘暴危害性的了解,熟悉有关沙尘暴的词汇。





  与沙尘暴有关:disaster, dune, citizen, dust, desertification, forecast, strength, cycle, mask

  与环保有关:process, mass, campaign


  To have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience.

  There was nothing to be done.

  To be cycling in a sandstorm is frightening.

  2. 语言技能目标:

  理论依据: 高中英语课程标准 强调用英语获取和处理信息的能力









  3. 文化意识和情感态度目标











  三、 说教学方法

  (新课程提倡运用任务型教学途径,围绕核心问题,设定小任务;围绕文章内容,尽可能提供训练学生技能的机会;开展自主性学习的课堂活动,强调合作探究与独立思考相结合。任务型教学:任务型教学强调语言学习应该是在“做中学”“用中学”。任务设计应该贴近学习者的生活,才能激发学习者的背景知识,激发他们的学习的兴趣,语言才能在经意中习得(incidental acquisition).










  Good afternoon, My dear judges!I am the third competitor. My topic is about descriptive writing: Favorite sport. It’s glad to share my teaching plan here. it is composed of several parts. First of all, I’ll talk about analysis of teaching material.

  Part 1 Teaching Material:

  My lesson is from New Senior English for China Book_2 Unit2 Writing part. The main topic is The Olympic Games, while the writing is about favorite sports. By studying this class, Students will know the process of writing and descriptive words. Writing is a basic skill, it plays a important role for further study.

  Secondly, I’d like to state the analysis of students.

  Part 2 Students

  Students are under a stage of growing and developing, they are unique and independent. They have gained basic writing skills. However, they don’t know how to express themselves correctly. Then I will take activities to help them.

  According to the new curriculum standard, instruction should change its final goal from teaching knowledge to teaching strategies. I set aims as follows.

  Part 3 Teaching Aim

  1.Knowledge objects

  The Ss can know how to write a descriptive article.

  2.Ability objects (技能目标:听,说,读,写)

  SS can improve their writing skills including drafting and revising skills, and use skills in daily life.

  3..Emotional objects (情感目标:兴趣,自信,合作,爱国,国际视野)

  SS will be more interesting in writing and enjoy favorite sport.

  Part 4 the Key and Difficult Points

  Next, I put forward the key points and difficult points. The key point is to master the steps about descriptive writing. The difficult point is how to write it correctly.

  Part 5 Teaching and Studying methods

  In this class, I will use process writing method and cooperative learning method.

  Part 6 Teaching Procedure

  Now Let’s come into the most important part -Teaching procedure.it consists of five steps.

  Step1. Warming up

  The first step is warming up. Boys and girls, in last class we learned detail about Olympic games. There are so many sports in it. What’s your favorite sport? Any volunteers? Tony, Cool, He likes playing basketball. One point. anyone else ? Jerry, wow, you are fond of shooting. Most of you have your favorite sports. Let’s describe our sports together.

  This step can help them clarify the aims and make them more active.


  In pre-writing step, I will teach the usage of linking words, such as although, apart from and as well. Then they will know useful expression to describe the sport. Next they will have a brainstorming in 3 minutes. What is your favorite sport? Then make a list of ideas and reasons as follows.

  After the brainstorming, they will choose best ideas and put them in order.

  By brainstorming, SS can broaden their thoughts and get more ideas about the topic. It lays a foundation for their debate.

  After the discussion, debate will begin.SS will vote for the winners. Then SS report the debate. Before they writing, I will read a model and analyze its outline. Later, I will ask them to make an outline .It can help them to clarify their writing structure. Then they will spend 10 minutes to make a drafting .While they are writing, I will give them some guides: such as pay attention to the tenses, grammars, spellings. These tips can help them do better in writing.

  After writing, it comes to self-editing.SS will check their writing according the example on PPT and revise it. Then moves to the peer editing.ss will exchange their writing with partners and give some suggestions to each other. At last, I will ask some of them to show their writing and give them comments.

  In this step, three kinds of evaluating and editing can make the writing better and improve their revising ability.

  By the end of the class, I will ask some students to sum up what we learned today. Then I set homework: go on to revise their writing according to the evaluation and hand in next class, and write your favorite music.

  Homework is necessary to consolidate their knowledge and improve their writing speaking.

  Part 7 Blackboard design

  At last, I will talk about my blackboard design.

  Writing: letter of advice.

  Key points: join in, dislikes

















  I wonder what/ who… I really want to know…

  I’m curious to…I’d love to know…

  I wonder if/whether… What I’d really like to find out is… I’m curious about… I’d like to know more about…

  3.学习一些与考古有关单词、短语和句式,如:archaeology及其派生词,curiosity, bronze, dynasty,

  decoration, artifact, unearth, spear, pot等。






  1.认知策略:通过-ology, -ological, -ologist等词根的学习,掌握archaeology, archaeologist, archae- ological等词,同时掌握同类词的学习方法。









  (一) 导入(Lead-in)


  活动方式:师生互动。教师盯着天花板的一处看30秒钟。引起全班同学一起去看。然后问:What do you see?

  学生自然会回答:Nothing.然后再问Do you know what I was looking at? 学生自然会回答:No, I

  don’t. 然后告诉学生老师根本没有看什么,只是做一个动作而已。再问Why did you look at there after

  me?学生答不上。老师告诉学生That is because of curiosity.再问What is the word curiosity from?


  Archaeology(板书课题)并指出This is a new word for you. You may want to know it.老师再问Do you think it is a course or a science?部分学生会答Yes.接着问Why do you think it is a science?学生会说出他们学过以-ology结尾的词。这时便可以打出幻灯片,再进行以下活动:











  2.组织学生推出technological, technologist;



  最后指出今天所学内容是Archaeology.再问What are the goals in learning the unit?



  (三)预备(Warming up)


  did they eat? Where did they live? What did their homes look like?

  What kind of tools did they use? What objects have we found from

  their age? What kind of entertainment did they have?












  教育心理学指出新知识的学习需要一个接受的过程。本课时的主要任务为本单元的学习做好预备工作。所以要用较多的时间让学生接受考古这一新的概念。 导入部分用8分钟;










  我说课的课题是人教版职高英语第二册Unit 9 Lesson 34阅读课文“the West Lake”。这是一篇叙述性的说明文,介绍了有关西湖的地理位置、景色和传说等内容。在知识上与第一册Unit 8 Travel和Unit 10 in the country有一定的联系。这是一节阅读课,阅读课是每单元教学的重要环节。


  1、根据大纲“巩固、扩大学生的基础知识”和关于词汇方面的要求,以及英语学科的语言特点,我确立本课的知识目标是:要求学生掌握以下词汇:attractattraction , landscape , paradise , charming , surround ,historical, site, scenery, generation, romance, imprison, pearl, exposition , cultural, theatre, beach, make up , add /to , compare/ to , there’s no doubt.并且要求学生了解西湖美景,人文地理等。




  教学重点:通过对西湖相关知识的探究,使学生感受合作学习的新理念,培养个体学习及协作互助的优秀品质。本课的阅读容量不大,阅读材料是一个西湖概况,语言相对简练。教师可能引导学生寻找表达段落主题的关键词。下列关键词可供参考:one of the most famous tourist attractions in China / lie/ scenery/ stories/ like a pearl ,训练学生的阅读能力。





  多年的英语教学使我感到让学生学会并不难,难的让学生会学,讲授知识并不难,难的是培养学生运用知识的能力。英语学科无论教学还是考试都注重阅读能力,所以在本课中,我注重指导学生的阅读能力,主要体现在三个方面:一是Fast Reading.它对提高阅读速度和质量很有帮助,尤其是大纲要求学生能在较短时间内阅读相当篇幅的阅读材料。为达到上述教学目标,我运用任务型教学途径,即课堂导入——参与任务——学习新知——巩固新知——操练运用,课堂设计采用“P—T—P”自主学习立体模式(pre-task, task cycle, post task)。二是问答法。它可能帮助学生理解文章的细节。三是讨论法,通过pair work, group work,让学生得到口语训练的机会。教师应精心设计一些问题,分层教学,使每个学生都有话可说。








  Step One Lead in (show pictures )

  We all know,Xishi or Xizi is one of the most beautiful ladies in ancient times in China.

  In Song Dynes

  ty, a poet named Sushi wrote a poem. Do you know what is compared to Xizi in this poem?(the West Lake)

  Did you visit the West Lake? Have you ever visited or heard of the following scenery spots of the West Lake?(show pictures)

  How do you enjoy the beauty in each picture ?

  They are : Three Pools Mirroring the Moon

  Melting snow at Broken Bridge

  Autumn Moon on Calm Lake

  What do you learn more about the West Lake?

  Today let’s continue to learn about the West Lake.Turn to page 109.

  Step Two: Skimming reading

  Listen to the tape and think :Which of the following subjects are included in the passage?

  Climate location landscape people art

  History culture size sports products

  Step Three Scanning reading

  Answer the following questions according to the passage:

  1 What do the words in bold refer to ?

  Them: the lake and the hills

  Its :the lake’s

  Which:the story about Lady White and Mr Xuxian

  2 Why is Hangzhou called “ Xizi”?

  Because Hangzhou is as beautiful as the young lady called “xizi”in a poem of sushi’s.

  3 What stories are used here? Why does the wrier use these stories?(show the picture of Lady White and Mr Xuxian.)

  The story about White Lady, Mr Xuxian and Fahai can add the romance of the Lake.They can also show a way of its culture. Besides, stories passed from generation to generation make the lake more famous.

  4 How do you know the West Lake is quite popular with tourists?Why is it so popular?

  Every year there are a large number of tourists coming to the West Lake. It’s so popular mainly because of its beautiful landscape.

  5 What happened to Leifeng Tower and how is it now? (show the picture of Leifeng Tower)

  Leifeng Tower was broken down in 1924,and in 20xx it was rebuilt and it’s in good condition.

  6 What do you think of the future of the West Lake? Why ?(show the picture of the West Lake Exposition)

  The West Lake will have a bright future . The tourism in Hangzhou is developing very fast. Many activities are held every year to attract tourists all over the world and make the city known to all .

  Step four Further reading.

  Discuss the following questions.

  1 .What do you think of the city or town which you live in ? Discuss and find out some ways to make it more charming.(show the picture of the East Lake in Shaoxing)

  2 .Do you think it’s necessary or unnecessary to spend a lot of money rebuilding historical sites? Why or why not .




  1.The cultural site is important .

  2 .We can learn the past according to the cultural site .

  3 .Many people visit it every year. If it’s destroyed, the tourists won’t come and we’ll lose a lot of money.

  Step five homework

  1 .The first week of May 1 is coming.Many foreign friends will visit Five Falls.Please write a short passage to introduce Five Falls.

  2 .Workbook from page 78 to page 80







  1. 要求学生把握文章的中心:澳大利亚有许多危险动物,但还是一个安全住居区和旅游区。

  2. 要求学生学会寻找段落中心句。









  E.学法分析 :










  看完视频和图片,教师马上可以提问:“What did you see in the video?”

  学生就会回答:“Some dangerous animals, such as box jellyfish…”教师马上自然而然地引出课题:“Yes, there are many dangerous animals in Australia. Today, we are going to learn a new lesson Australia’s Dangerous Creatures.”



  1.Which country has the most kinds of venomous snake in the world? How do you know?

  2. Are the poisonous snakes and poisonous spiders all capable of killing humans?

  3. What effect do most jellyfish have on humans? What about box jellyfish?

  4. What kind of crocodile has occasionally attacked a human?

  5.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

  第一个问题的答案是:Australia. Australia has more kinds of venomous snake than any other country in the world.在这里要求学生掌握一个重要的理解句型more…than any other…用比较级表示最高级。

  第二,第三,第四题都是阅读理解文章段落之后就能找到答案的,属于高考细节理解题。第五个问题的设计是让学生学会找段落中心句。However, this is far from the truth.教师在这里要引导学生学会找中心句,常放在句首或靠近句首的第二或第三句,有时侯也放在句尾。还要引导学生特别留意关键词:but, however, though等表示转折性的词。这对高考阅读起着关键性的.指导作用,让学生受益匪浅。







  Australia is home to more than 170 different kinds of snake and 115 of these are poisonous . In fact, Australia has more kinds of venomous snake than any other country in the world.

  There are also approximately 20xx different kinds of spider in Australia and , like snakes, most have a poisonous bite. However, the majority have no effect on humans or cause only mild sickness .

  The seas around Australia contain over 160 different kinds of sharks , which vary in size from just 20 centimeters to over 14 metres .

  However, although they look dangerous , because of their wide mouths and sharp teeth , all but two or three kinds are harmless to humans .

















  Step ⅠLead-in

  Show students different kinds of paintings and ask them to guess the type of the paintings. (通过多媒体播放不同种类的图片及不同名作家的作品引起学生对绘画的兴趣) Step ⅡWarming Up

  At first, ask the students to match some new words with the correct English meanings. Show them on the screen.At last, check the answers with the whole class.

  A B

  a. realistic 1. accurate, minute

  b. abstract 2. state or fact of existing

  c. existence 3. being in thought but having a physical or practical existence d. detailed 4. lifelike, true to life

  e. religious 5. classical, of old beliefs

  f. traditional 6. sincere to believe in a god or gods

  Key: a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1, e-6, f-5

  (通过对文章重点词汇的联系让学生阅读文章是更容易并且加深对这些重点词汇的理解) Step Ⅲ Pre-reading

  Show students some pictures of the different ages,let them summary the order of the paintings Middle Ages, from 5th to 15th century → The Renaissance,from 15th to 16 century→

  Impressionism,late 19th to early 20 century → Modern Art,from 20th to today


  Step Ⅳ Reading

  Task 1 Scanning

  Show some questions on the screen.

  1. What were the artists interested in from 5th to 15th century AD?

  2. How did Masaccio paint his paintings?

  3. Why did the impressionists have to paint quickly?


  Task 2 Skimming

  Let the students read the passage again and get the main idea of it. Then complete the following chart on their own. And check the answers with the whole class.

  Show the chart with blanks on the screen. A few minutes later, check the answers.


  Step Ⅴ Comprehending

  Let the students read the passage again and tell whether the statements True or False according to the text.

  1. Western art has changed very little over the last seventeen centuries. F

  2. Painters in the Middle Ages did not use perspective. T

  3. Impressionists painted landscapes. T

  4. You cannot recognize any object in abstract modern art. F

  5. In the Renaissance most artists painted indoors. T



  Middle Ages, from 5th to 15th century……

  The Renaissance,from 15th to 16 century……

  Impressionism,late 19th to early 20 century……

  Modern Art,from 20th to today……




  Reading Comprehension: Modern Architecture

  About the material

  The reading part tells us the history, features of modern architecture as well as the sharp contrast between modern architecture and traditional architecture. It also gives us the examples of the architects and their designs, especially architects who found inspiration from nature and expressed the natural beauty in their designs.

  Teaching Goals:

  1 Learn something about the history and features of modern architecture and the difference from the traditional architecture.

  2 Get to know some famous modern architects and appreciate the beauty expressed in their works.

  3 Appreciate and practice some fine sentence structures.

  Key points:

  Analysis of the material to help students understand the passage thoroughly and cultivate their abilities in reading and analyzing.

  Difficult points:

  The ”Reflecting and discussion” is the difficult point in this period because all the questions are open-ended and require students to think independently and represents the answers in their own words.

  Time: one period

  Means and methods:

  Picture display, slides, reading and discussion.


  A Teaching Plan Speech for the Reading part of Unit 1

  Good morning, teachers.

  My name isXX. Today, I’ll talk about how to teach the Reading part of Unit 1, School Life in the UK, in the student’s Book 1. It is made up of four parts.

  The first part is the analysis of the teaching material.

  This articlr is from a school magzine written by an exchange student. After studying in the UK for one year, she gives us a brief but clear description about what school life in the UK is like from her own experience. The Reading Strategy of this unit teaches students two basic reading skills, skimming and scanning. Students are expected to master the two skills and to apply them to their future study.

  Teaching aims:


  Teaching important points: XXXX

  Teaching difficult points: XXXX

  The second part is about my teaching theories,methods and aids.

  While dealing with this lesson, I’ll do my best to carry out the following theories: 1. Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher acts as director. 2. Combine the language structures with the language functions.

  3. Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language. Teaching method:

  Question-and-answer activity teaching method Free discussion method

  Pair work or individual work Task-approach teaching method Teaching aids: a projector a tape recorder multimedia the blackboard

  Part three is the teaching procedures of this part.

  1. Lead-in:

  1.1 Show some pictures and movies about school life in the UK 1.2 Ask students to present the information they have collected before 1.3 Ask them to discuss the differences and to try to think of the reasons.

  2. Reading comprehension:

  2.1 Ask students to go through the article as quickly as possible and to try to finish PartA

  Inform them to only focus on and identify the information needed.

  2.2 Ask students to reread the whole text. Then let them answers some questions on the multimedia and check the answers as a class. These questions will check students’ ability to read and locate specific information.

  (Q1:What time do British schools usually begin? What time do they usually end?

  Q2: On average, how many students are there in a class in the UK?

  Q3:Why did Wei Hua find her homework difficult at the beginning of her study in the Uk? Q4: What do British students usually eat after their main meal?

  Q5: Which British city did Wei Hua go to?)

  2.3 Have the students listen to the tape recorder, and ask them to pay attention to the tone and pronounciation.

  2.4 Have students do some exercise in order to arouse their interest and enhance their further comprehension.

  A. What specific aspects are mentioned in the text? (teachers, classmates, friends, subjects,

  homework/assignments, grades, timetable, activities, school facilities, host family, food, hobbies, customs, traditions,festivals)

  2.5 Make students focus on the above two exercises, and let them discuss the reading methods they use to do the two exercises.

  2.6 Have students focus on the Reading Strategy on P3.

  Tell them that skimming is to look at the titles and headlines, the first and last sentences of paragraphs and the first and last paragraphs as well as pictures and charts to get a general idea of what a text is about. And scanning is to focus on keywords and phrases, dates, numbers, etc. to find certain information in a text quickly.

  2.7 Have students be familiar with some language points(blackboard) in the text and then give them some examples sentences.

  A. experience(line 2): countable noun B. attend(6) C. way(9) D. earn(10) E. sound(11): linking verb F. as…as…(20) G. for free(29) H. miss(42): verb 2.8 Ask students do an activity: Interview Wei Hua

  This activity help students improve their imagination.

  2.9 Have students discuss what aspects may be included if they write an acticle about the differences of school life betwween UK and China. 3. Homework:

  A. Write the article discussed before.

  B. Do the exercises in the Workbook. C. Retell the text.

  Part 4 is the blackboard design.

  Reading: School life in the UK


  Language Points:

  A. experience(line 2): countable noun B. attend(6) C. way(9) D. earn(10) E. sound(11): linking verb F. as…as…(20) G. for free(29) H. miss(42): verb


  Good morning everyone. Standing here, I’m very happy and excited. It’s my great honor to be here to present my lesson, and the chance is very precious for me. And I’ll try my best. Today I’ll talk about unit from my contents consist of 8 parts

  Analysis of the teaching material

  Analysis of the students

  Teaching methods

  Teaching aims and demands

  Teaching aids

  Teaching procedure

  Blackboard design And conclusion

  Well, firstly, I’ll talk about part 1 analysis of the teaching material. I have concluded the features of. 1 . there are a lot pictures. For this, the kids will be interested in the book. As we all know that interest is best teacher for the students. 2. It lays stress on the communication.

  According to the problem of Chinese students learning English , the book design a lot of material to improve the students’ ability of listening speaking, reading, and writing. So I think the book is very good.

  Then I’ll talk about next part analysis of the students. It is known to us that the kids are very active and like playing games very much, so during my class, I’ll design some interesting

  games to activate them to participate and learn something. They will also be interested in the class.

  Next I’ll talk about teaching methods. My teaching methods are task-based approach and situational approach. Using different methods can make the class active.

  Let’s move on to another part, teaching aims and demands. There are knowledge aims and ability aim.

  Knowledge aims are to enable the students to master the words and phrases:. And the sentences:?

  Ability aims are To improve students’

  listening and speaking ability by reading and practicing the dialogue.

  Next is the teaching aids. In this class, I’ll use pictures, PPT and tape recorder. These can arouse the students’ interest in English.

  Now I’ll talk about most important part teaching procedure. It consists of 5 steps.

  Warning up, lead-in, contents key points and difficult points and homework.

  Step1 is warming up. Here I’ll use PPT to play a English song Bingo for the students and I’ll ask them try to follow it to sing together. By this, the students can be interested in it and pay their attention to our class easily and improve their ability of speaking.

  Step2 is lead-in (导入根据所授内容设计,可通过展示与本课有关的'话题或者图片等等引出本课话题)

  Step 3 is contents(本部分为主要授课内容及组织的课堂活动。可从听说读写四块分写)

  Step 4 is key points and difficult points(本部分列出本课重难点 可为单词句型或语法知识)

  Step 5 is homework.(作业形式最好新颖,例如课让学生根据本课内容做个小调查等)


  To be a good teacher is my dream, I think a teacher is not only a guide for the students,

  but also a friend of them. If I were a teacher, I would build a close relation with my students,

  helping them not only on their study, but also on their lives. I’ll try my best and I’m confident that I can be a good teacher.

  Good morning, everyone. I am number_______.Today I am very happy andexcited that I can staan interview.And it is also my great honor to share my lesson with allof you here, and this chaprecious for me. Hopeyou can enjoy it.The content ofmy lesson today is Section A Read and WriMy days of the week ofPEP Primary English ,Book5A (Recycle__) .My lessonconsists of 7 parts

  1. Analysis of the teaching material

  2. Analysis of the students

  3. Analysis of TeachingMethods

  4. Analysisof Learning Methods

  5.Teaching procedure

  6. Blackboard design


  1. This lesson isin the third period of this unit. It is a dialogue .It aims to enhancestudentskills. It also provides some new language points for thestudents to master.

  2.This lesson is the first part of Unit2.So if the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make therest of this unit.

  3.Such a topic is related to dailylife, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of studentsbealso helpful to improve their spoken English.

  4. Reading is very important inEnglish learning . It can help the students to master soskillsthrough learning this passage. Moreover, attributive clause also plays animportant partlearning.

  On studying the teaching material and analyzing theregulation of children’s growing of forward three kinds of teachingobjectives according to English syllabus and new lesson standard

  (1) To help the students master the new words ,phrases andsentences.(加上具体的单词,句型)

  (2) To teach the students how to use the adverbial clausesof time.

  (3)To make sure that studentscan read, recognize and use these key phrases n foot ,by bike,byb

  (4)To enable the students performe the dialogue

  (5) Tofinish some exercises.

  (6)The Sscan use the patterns to express their thoughts in the proper situation.

  (7)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson.

  (1) To developthe Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing by practicing thedialo

  (2) To train the Ss’ ability ofworking in pairs.

  (3) To develop the Ss’abilities of communication by learning the useful structures.

  (1) To arouse the students’ interest in classactivities.

  (2) To train their team spirit by working in groups.

  (3) To educate the students to follow the publicrules.

  (4)By completingthe task,the Ss increase their interest and set up self-confidence in science;

  (5)Teach the Ss what is“science”, put the moral education in the language study.

  (6)To enable the Ss to be polite and love life.

  (7)To enable the Ss to look after theirthings well.

  The teaching key and difficult points’ basis isestablished according to Section A Readand W2in the teaching material'sposition and function.Moreover students characteristics and nstandardshould be also taken into account.

  (1)To make sure that Ss canuse these key phrases correctly and skillfully.

  (2).To help the Ss to communicatewith each other.

  (3).To enable the Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.

  (4).To develop the Ss’ interest in English.

  (5) To help the students tomaster the new expressions.

  (6) To enable thestudents to communicate with each other.

  (1)To help the Ss ask and


  (2) How to use _____________________________

  (4) How to make dialogues and act them out.

  (5) How to write the right whole sentences.


  The students of grade5 are very active and curious.Andthey are interested in new things.Tlike to use imagination andcommunication as their main studying ways After learning English for 2

  have some basic English background knowledge, so the teacher should attachimportancommunication with them, providing them the chances of usinglanguage. Since they have learnt2 years, they have already known ___________________________________,soit is not difficultunderstand and use


  As we all know:the main instructional aims of learning English in primary school is tocultivatebasic abilities of listening and speaking and their goodsense of the English language.Studentsschool are very cruious andthey want to know everything.What is more,it is important for thtokeep the students interest in English .So according to these points and the regulation of children’mind,inthis lesson I’ll mainly use Total PhysicalResponse method

  “Task-based”teaching method ,

  Communicative teaching method

  SituationalTeaching method(情景教学)

  group cooperatemethod

  Free discussion method

  I will let the Ss learn inreal situations, finish a task byasurvey______________________________” to help Ss to get a better understandingof the nI will arrange these activities: guessing game,__________________________________finishiand having a competition.

  Standard advocates to improve students abilities of analysing and solvingproblems.And teachchange their old-fashioned teaching ways ,give students more opportunities tojoin class astudents find theproblems by themselves.Our students are almost fromthe countryside. As for tmethods, they are poor in cooperativelearning skills.Some students are not active in the classstudentsdon’t like English.therefore, I ’ll have Ss study in a relaxed atmosphere. Studentsundnew knowledge in certain degree through the mental process ofseeing, hearing, saying, observinetc. .After feeling andunderstanding the language points, let students get the knowledge activestudy and cooperative study. In a word,we’ll

  1.Teach the Ss how to besuccessful language learners.

  2. Make thestudents take an active part in class activities.

  3.Let the students summarize the language points through their own thinking.

  4.Let the Ss pass "Observation—Imitation—Practice "(观察—模仿—实践三步教学法) to stud

  5.Teach the Ss how to master dialogues and how to communicatewith others.

  6. To make use ofthe new language material to express their own ideas.

  Teaching special features:

  Let the Ss communicate with each other and adopt competition methods to developthe Ss’ kee English.

  Warming up (3 mStep 2 Greeting (2 minutes)

  Step 3 Presentation (24 minutes)

  Step 4 Practice and Consolidation (8 minutes)

  Step 5 Summary (6 minutes)

  Step 6 Homework (2 minutes)

  This step will cost 3minutes.

  Before my class , I’ll get the studentsto sing an English song "Old McDonald" to keep trelax .By this, the students can be interested in it and pay their attention to ourclass easily and imability of speaking.And also this activity canbegin this lesson with exciting atmosphere.

  This step will cost 2minutes

  Daily Talk

  T:Classbegins.Good morning,boys and girls

  S: Good morning,teacher

  T: OK, good. So, Mike, how are youtoday ?

  S: Fine, thank you. How are you,myteacher?

  T: Very well, thanks .What is this?

  S:It is a?.

  The greetingbetween students and teacher is very usefull to build a harmonious anddemoatmosphere.

  Step 3 Presentation (24 minutes)

  In this step, Iwill adopt four steps for the students to present the text.


  According to thecharacteristics of this class,I wear a sports T-shirt deliberately to showthis class.Also I will show the pictures of Yao Ming,Liu Xiang and soon.






  本模块内容为英国古典文学中的狄更斯作品及其生平。本节课是一节文学阅读欣赏课,课文节选自《雾都孤儿》的片断“Oliver asks for more”,反映了主人公Oliver生活的是一个贫富悬殊,充满压迫的不公平的社会。通过学习本课,学生能够了解文学常识,掌握语言技能,对狄更斯的文学作品有了初步的认识,为本单元后面的学习也做了铺垫。




















  2. 以学生为主体,利用学案导学,借助任务型教学法、情景教学法、问答法、小组合作法、自主探究法开展教学活动,完成教学任务。




  1. Q: Which novel did you catch when you watch the video? And do you know other works written by Charles Dickens?

  A: David Copperfield, A tale of two cities, Great expectations, Oliver Twist…

  2. Q: What kind of the novel did Dickens usually write?


  最后图像停顿在截取的电影片段也就是课文中 “Oliver ask for more” 的几幅图片上,每张图片配合描述性的.句子,设置教学任务:对划线词语进行快速猜测词义练习。

  1. Charles Dickens is one of England’s most famous novelists.

  2. He wrote about the life of poor Oliver Twist, who is an orphan without parents.

  3. He lived in the workhouse, and the boys had excellent appetite, hungry and misery.

  4. Oliver was chosen to ask the warden for more to eat.



  What do you think he is saying to the man and what will happen next?



  Ask students to skim the whole text and choose the best summary of the passage on P30Activity1 and divide the passage into three parts.

  P1 ←— Being hungry

  P2-P3←—Being chosen

  P4-P13←—Being locked

  【设计意图】这一环节采取小组活动的方式快速限时阅读, 设置的几个概括文章大意类问题,概括文章大意和各段落大意。把阅读课文作为整体来处理,搜集高频词汇和关键词。检查学生对课文中的事实的表层理解,养成良好的阅读习惯,提高阅读技能。



  1. What are the two main elements of a novel? A: Character, plot

  2. What should be based on when we divide the passage into parts?

  A: The change of the plot; The change of time; the change of the scene….


  (四) 精读课文,巩固升华

  Read the passage again and answer the questions:

  1) Why did the bowls never need washing?

  2) What would the tall boy do if he still didn’t have another bowl of soup?

  3) Why did the boys choose one boy to ask for more food?

  4) How did they choose the representative to ask for more food?

  5) When Oliver went to ask for more food, what did the warden do?

  6) What was Oliver’s final result for asking for more food?



  Task : Make a dialogue with your partner, the scene from para.3 to para.6.小组成员中可以选用表演能力较好的同学演"warden"和"Oliver",选用一个口语较好的同学做解说员,另外可以根据同学们的个人特点充当两个“helpers”和几个Oliver的"companions".




  1. What’s the writing purpose of the story?

  Key words: reveal…; show great sympathy to…

  2.Compared with Oliver’s life, what do you think of yours? What should you do?




  If you were Dickens, what would be the ending of this novel?





  1、 教材分析

  2、 教学目标

  3、 重点难点(有时根据需要也会说上关键点)

  4、 教法和学法 导入(5分钟)

  5、 教学过程 正体(20分钟)

  6、 尾声(5分钟 )














  ⑴、 能力目标:(根据需要选择能力目标)





  1、 培养学生认真、细致的学习态度。

  2、 通过发现问题、解决问题的过程,培养学生合作精神,增强学生的求知欲和对学习的热情。

  当我们对教材进行了分析并且了解了教学目标之后,就不难理解本节课的重点与难点 重点难点

  1、重点:…. 2、难点:….(对于重点、难点,依然是说出本节课的内容就行,可以参考本节课的题目和各部分的标题)

  那么,究竟应该怎样来完成本节课的任务呢?下面说一下本节课的教法和学法。 教法:(根据需要任意选取教法。2-3个就行。根据时间自行安排。)

  1、 范例、结合引导探索的方法,激发学生的学习兴趣。

  2、 教师精讲、学生多练,体现了以学生为主体、教师为主导的教学原则。

  3、 采用类比法,引导学生发现问题,自主学习,从而体验到独立获取知识的喜悦感。

  4、 通过“教”“学”“放”“收”突破重点和难点。









  用约20分钟时间进行正体部分。主要是通过讲练结合的方式完成对_____ 、______、 ______ 、________几部分的学习。




  Good #, teachers and judges. I'm candidate, NO.#. I'm honored to be here to share my teaching design with you.

  Today my topic is #. I'm going to interpret my teaching design from six aspects: analysis of teaching material, the teaching aims, important and difficult points, the teaching methods, the teaching procedure, and blackboard design.

  Now, I'll start with analysis of teaching material.

  This passage comes from New Senior English for China Student's Book #, Unit #. The topic is about #. By studying this passage, we'll enable students to master the skills of reading, and to lay the foundation for the whole unit.

  Then, the teaching aims. According to the analysis of teaching material, the teaching aims can be achieved as follow.

  First, knowledgeaims. Get students to understand the content of the passage, and the important words and expressions, such as #.

  Second,abilityaims.Improve students' reading ability, and guide students to apply the key words and expressions into speaking and writing.

  Third, emotionalaims. Broaden students' international viewand raise theirinterest in English learning.

  Next, the important and difficult points.

  The important points.Getstudentsto master the usage of the important words and expressions, andhelp students understand some key sentences in the passage, for example #.

  The difficult points.Improve students' reading ability of getting specific information from the passage, and let students talk about #.

  Let's move to the teaching methods.

  Based on certain English learning foundation of the students, I will adopt situational teaching method, communicative language teaching, and task-based teaching method.

  Here comes the most important part of my teaching design, the teaching procedure.

  There are five steps.

  Step one, warming up.

  At the very beginning of my class, I will divide my students into six groups.

  To attract students' attention and arouse their interest in reading, I will start my class like this. "Boys and girls, look at the picture, what is it? Yes, # Now, let's work in groups and have a competition. OK? Each group has to list # as many as possible. You only have one minute. Now, Start! OK, time's up! Show me your paper! Wow, you know so much about #. But, do you want to know more about #? Today, we are going to learn a passage about #.

  Step two, pre-reading.

  First, I'll deal with the background knowledge about #.

  Then, students will have a discussion in pairs, and try to predict what the passage is about, according to the title and the pictures. By doing this, students will be eager toread the passage.

  Step three, while-reading.

  There are three tasks.

  Task one, skimming for main idea and questions.

  Students will have three minutes to skim for the main idea of the passage.

  Then, they have to answer two questions. Question one #? Question two #?

  In this way, students will get a rough understanding of the passage.

  Task two, scanning, fill in the mind map.

  To make students have a deeper understanding of the passage, I will design a mind map like this #. Students will have five minutes to complete this mind map, according to the information from the passage.

  Task three, detail reading, true or false.

  I will present ten statements on the screen, and let students listen to the tape, and decide true or false. The purpose is to give students a full understanding of the passage.

  Step four, post-reading.

  In this part, students will have ten minutes to do an activity in groups. Each group has to use the information from the passage to act out an interview between a reporter and #. While my students are preparing, I will walk around the classroom, and give some guidance. Then, I will choose two groups to make a presentation, and the other groups have to give some comments.By doing this, students will break through the difficult pointsof this lesson.

  Step five, summary and homework.

  I will let students do a summary about what they have learned today. Then, I will praise the students who perform well in today's class, and encourage the others. As for homework, students have to search for more information about #, and exchange their ideas with partners.

  Last one, theblackboard design.

  On the top, is the title of this passage. In the middle, are main idea, questions and a mind map.On the left side, will besome key words and expressions.On the right side, will be my feebacks, and some brilliant ideas from my students.

  That's the end of my teaching design. As a novice, I will try my best to improve it in my future work and daily life.

  Thank you for your listening.

  May I clean the blackboard?



  This is the third period of this unit.To test if Ss have understood the phrases and patterns they learned during the second period,the teacher can first give them some revision exercises.“It is ...that” is a very difficult structure,so the teacher can design some exercises for Ss.

  Ss have got some idea about the present continuous tense for future use in the first period,to make them more familiar with its function,the teacher can give them more practice,both oral and written.Meanwhile,the teacher will help them go over another two ways of expressing future actions.These tasks are designed to improve their ability of using language.

  To make Ss well prepared for the reading of the fourth period,the teacher can deal with the rest few new words in this clASs.

  As to the homework,the teacher will ask Ss to preview Part 3 on Page 19 after clASs.Because this work is a bit difficult,tell Ss any group work is welcome.

  Since the five-day National holidays are coming.Suppose that one student and his friends will go for a trip.Ask them to go to a nearby travel agency and find a schedule for their trip.Later they are required to talk about what they will do on their travel,using present continuous tense.Through this activity,Ss can get to know what a travel plan is like,and consolidate what they have learned,which is correspondent to the teaching method “Learn through doing”.



  (1)Learn the present continuous tense for future use.

  (2)Go over the other two ways of expressing future actions.


  Learn to make sentences,using the above three ways.


  Develop Ss’ sense of group cooperation.


  The present continuous tense for future use.


  (1)It is ...that...

  (2)The present continuous tense for future use.


  Multi-media clASsroom and other normal teaching tools.


  Step 1 Greeting

  Step 2 Revision

  T:First I will test how well you understand what you learned yesterday.Please judge whether the following sentences are right.If they are not right,please correct them.

  (1)It is with the help of the teacher that I passed the exam.

  (2)It is I who is wrong.

  (3)It was she that he helped with her homework yesterday.

  (4)It was at the post-office where we met each other.

  (5)It was yesterday afternoon when they played a close basketball game.

  (6)Who was it that discovered the secret?

  S:I think it’s right.

  T:Do you agree with him?

  S2:No,I think it is not right.But I don’t know why.

  T:Does any one know the reason?

  S3:In that cause,the past tense is used,so I think we should change “is” to “was”.

  T:Quite Good.That is to say:当原句的时态为表示现在的各种时态时,用It is...;当原句的时态为表示过去的各种时态时,则用It was...。Now,what about the second sentence?

  S:I think it is right.

  S:I don’t agree with her.Here “who” refers to “I”,so after I we should use “am”.

  T:Great.当被强调部分为原句的主语时,that句中谓语动词应在人称与数上与它保持一致。Let’s look at Sentence 3,is it right or wrong?

  S:It’s wrong.The phrase is “help sb. with sth.” I think we should change “she” to “her”.

  T:Good.当被强调部分为代词时,如是主语就用代词的主格,如是宾语则用宾格。So you see in Sentence 2,we use I instead of me,because the emphasized part is subject.

  S:I see.

  T:Is Sentence 4 a good sentence?

  S:Yes,I think so.

  T:What is your opinion,Han Mei?

  Han Mei:I am not quite sure.

  T:Write down this sentence in your notebook:

  当被强调的对象指人时,可用who/whom 代替that;但当被强调的是地点、时间、原因、方式等状语时,决不能用where,when,why,how 等来替换。

  S:Sentence 4 and Sentence 5 are wrong.We should use “that” in place of “where” and “when”.

  T:You are clever.And the last sentence is right.Always remember:

  Wh+was it that...?当对被强调的地点、时间、原因、方式等状语提问时,我们要用到这个句型。

  Please translate these sentences,using this structure.




  S1:Where was it that he spent his childhood?

  S2:How was it that they made such great achievements?

  S3:Why was it that he quarreled with her?

  Step 3 Relaxation

  T:You did a quite good job.I will play an English song for you as a reward.But while enjoying the song,you should underline the verb in the sentences of part on Page 21.

  Step 4 Grammar

  T:Do you like the song?


  T:If you learn English well,you can find more wonderful things about English culture.Let’s work hard.


  T:Have you underlined the verbs?

  S:Yes,are working,are having,are giving,am singing.

  T:What do we call this tense?

  S:The present continuous tense.

  T:But here does this tense express the present action or state?


  T:We all can see it expresses the future action.Can you express these sentences in other ways?

  S:Are you going to work this evening?

  We are going to have an English party.

  We are going to give performances at the party.

  I am going to sing songs with my clASsmates.

  T:So you use “be going to” to express the future action.Will someone say them in a different way?

  S:Will you work this evening?

  We will have an English party.

  We will give performances at the party.

  I will sing songs with my clASsmates.

  T:You are perfect right.And you use “will do” to express future action.Now how many ways do we have to express future actions?List them.

  S:Three,be doing,be going to do,will do.

  T:Good.(Write the three ways on the blackboard.)Now,let’s look at Part 3 on Page 21.Tell your partner what you want to do.

  (Give Ss several minutes to talk to each other.)

  T:Now,it’s time to demonstrate your sentences to the whole clASs.

  Possible answers:

  (1)Tomorrow morning,I am walking my dog./I am going to walk my dog./I will walk my dog.

  (2)The day after tomorrow,I am taking part in an English speech contest./I am going to take part in an English speech contest./I will take part in an English speech contest.

  (3)Next Saturday evening,I am enjoying a solo concert by Zhang Xueyou./I am going to enjoy a solo concert by Zhang Xueyou./I will enjoy a solo concert by Zhang Xueyou.

  (4)Next month,I am moving to a new flat./I am going to move to a new flat./I will move to a new flat.

  Step 5 Consolidation

  T:Then let’s check Part 2 on Page 21.Will two of you read the dialogue?

  S1:Miss Wang,I hear that you are traveling along the Mekong River.That’s really exciting.Have you got everything ready?


  S1:When are you leaving?

  S2:Next Monday.

  S1:How far are you riding every day?

  S2:It’s hard to say.If the weather is fine,I think we’ll be able to ride 75 km a day.

  S1:Where are you staying at night?

  S2:Usually in our tent,but sometimes in a small hotel in the town.

  S1:Do you think you are coming back here soon?

  S2:Oh,we are not coming back to this place.We are going home.That’ll be a month later.

  S1:Thank you for your time,Miss Wang.Good luck on your journey.

  S2:Thank you.

  Step 6 New words

  T:To make preparations for tomorrow’s reading,we’ll learn the rest new word in this unit.Look at the screen and try to pronounce the words by yourselves.


  T:Jimmy,would you please read these new words.


  T:Wei Hua,do you think Jimmy pronounce the words correctly?

  Wei Hua:Not exactly.(Read the word/words that Jimmy doesn’t pronounce properly.)

  T:Here are eight sentences for you to complete,please use the correct forms of the above words.

  (1)Milu often says “____________ is everything.” to encourage the players to devote more.

  (2)When traveling,it is more convenient for you to wear____________ than shirts.

  (3)Since the hotels in the town are all engaged,we have to make ____________ in the tents.

  (4)After staying together for two weeks,they got ____________ with each other and became friends.

  (5)He likes to ____________ his daughter’s lovely laughter and enjoy it when free.

  (6)Whenever we see a film,the Chinese teacher will ask us to write about our ____________.

  (7)They discussed his position in the company and other ____________.

  (8)____________ firefighters rescued the people from the burning building.

  Give Ss a couple of minutes to finish the work.


  (1)Attitude (2)shorts (3)camp (4)familiar (5)record (6)afterthoughts

  (7)topics (8)brave

  Step 7 Homework

  1.Finish Part 1 and Part 2 on Page 57 and Page 58.


  Unit 3 Travel journal


  be doing

  be going to do

  will do


  I am going out tomorrow morning.

  I am going to see a film tonight.

  I will visit my grandmother this Sunday.


  National holidays are coming.Suppose you and your friends will go for a trip.Please go to a nearby travel agency and find a schedule for your trip.Talk about what you will do on your travel,using present continuous tense.淘~课件网 wWw.taoKeJIaN.com










  We are waiting for you.


  Mr Green is writing another novel.


  She is learning piano under Mr Smith.


  The leaves are turning red.

  It’s getting warmer and warmer.

  d.与always,constantly,forever 等词连用,表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态,往往带有说话人的主观色彩,表示强烈的赞扬或批评。

  You are always changing your mind.

  You are always doing your work well.v





  语言能力是语言行为的重要部分,它是使语言使用者能够说出和理解无限的句子,并能识别语法错误和歧义。就是说话者掌握的语法结构、词汇和语法规则等方面的知识,从某种意义上讲,语言能力就是一部语言的百科全书。而阅读 是在没有他人参与的情况下,主动增加语言的输入,不仅直接参与作者的自然交流,而且使学生从中获得语言的内涵,培养语言的能力及分析问题和解决问题的能力。



  2、目标:1)通过学生在教师的指导下主动阅读课文以获得语言信息,提高阅读水平,同时使学生了解有关卫星方面的知识。2)掌握大纲教材中的词汇:broad, circle, in space, pull, camera, fold, unfold, connect, object, direction, position,

  signal, orbit, rocket, panel. 并且复习定语从句的用法。3)用语所学语言,围绕人造地球卫星这一题材,完成教科书和练习册中规定的听、说、写的任务,并完成有关的课文内容的练习。


  1) 一些四会、三会词(词组)

  broad, circle, in space, pull, camera, fold, unfold, connect, object, direction, position

  once every month, fold up, at the speed of, is likely to, keep out of,carry up, go into, in order to, return to, more than, not only…but also…,each other

  2) 非限制性定语从句的.复习。



  1、 快读:教师放录音,要求学生快读全文,获得主要信息:

  1) Why are satellites so expensive?

  2) What can satellites send back to the earth?


  2、 再读:主要是帮助了解一些文中细节。借助于学生用书P79,Ex 1中的题目,来指导学生阅读全文。

  3、 深读:主要是通过在教师的指导下,学生自主地细读全文,加深学生的深层次的理解。

  4、 精要的语言知识讲解。




  1、 复习:1)检查上节课的作业。2)词汇听写

  2、 阅读准备:看P8图,讨论学生所看到的。板书:Why are satellites so expensive? What can satellites sand back to the earth?

  3、 快读:学生带着黑板上的两个问题,教师放录音,学生快速浏览全文,找到问题的答案。

  4、 再读:借助Wb 中的7个问题,引导学生再读全文,完成相关内容,并对不理解的句子和词组划线。

  5、 推断词义,解决难句。教师把学生在再读中的难句收集,引导学生猜义和解释。帮助解决理解障碍。

  6、 深读:引导学生进行深层次的阅读全文。

  7、 精要的语言点讲解。(见教案)

  8、 验收效果:True or false练习。(见教案)

  9、 小结:1)文章脉络 2)主要语言点

  10、 板书设计:

  课 题












高中英语《Body Language》说课稿12-10

