
时间:2023-01-07 17:15:07 寒假作业 我要投稿




  八上英语寒假作业答案 篇1


  一、1、wolves 2、beginning 3、wears 4、least 5、tasty 6、nowhere 7、pleasant 8、Climbing 9、crazy 10、without

  二、1、D 2、B 3、A 4、B 5、B 6、B 7、A 8、D 9、A 10、A 11、B 12、A

  三、1、with 2、from 3、in 4、at 5、of 6、for 7、in、for 8、in 9、with 10、by

  四、1、practicing 2、were 3、will die 4、didn’t watch 5、smoking 6、are getting 7、lost 8、keep 9、lying 10、to watch

  五、1、Don’t open when driving 2、won’t camping it rains 3、leave five-year-old on own 4、The ninth the same as 5、make noise to do

  六、1、C 2、B 3、A 4、A 5、A 6、C 7、D 8、D 9、A 10、D


  一、1、Leaves 2、activities 3、ninth 4、worried 5、beauty 6、useful 7、amazing 8、less 9、better 10、weight

  二、1、have less than 2、is helpful to 3、spend better results on 4、as interesting as 5、Luckily put out 6、took a trip famous

  三、1、A How far 2、B Are 3、B not talk 4、B / 5、B so much 6、B doesn’t like 7、B to answer 8、B will be 9、B isn’t 10、D on

  四、1、C 2、B 3、C 4、B

  五、1、policeman 2、E-dog 3、frog

  六、1、more helpful than 2、Did enjoy themselves 3、keeping secret between 4、the same as 5、less time by coach 6、isn’t on is it


  一、1、quietly 2、fit 3、popular 4、finishes 5、twelfth 6、word 7、twice 8、lost 9、medals 10、save

  二、1、C 2、C 3、D 4、A 5、B 6、B 7、C 8、B 9、B 10、B

  三、1、as the as mine 2、different from 3、Be careful with hurt 4、Make sure closed 5、hurt stay in hospital 6、lost their lives 7、should in danger 8、is getting smaller smaller

  四、1、herself 2、theirs 3、me 4、themselves 5、them 6、yourself 7、us 8、Its 9、Our 10、his

  五、best fit exercise learn alone took beautiful dangerous choose makes

  六、1、D 2、B 3、A 4、D 5、D


  一、1、feeding 2、feathers 3、close 4、readers 5、bored 6、languages 7、report 8、 themselves 9、smell 10、organizing

  二、1、in 2、about 3、on 4、from 5、as 6、of 7、of 8、on 9、for 10、in

  三、1、the most popular 2、telling so much funny 3、saved out of ago 4、has problems 5、much pay for 6、good at telling so happy 7、protect won’t survive 8、live up to

  四、1、finish 2、to speak 3、brushes 4、is 5、is flying 6、is having 7、watching 8、will reach 9、stops 10、to chat

  五、1、B 2、A 3、A 4、B 5、C 6、D 7、A 8、D 9、B 10、C

  六、exciting famous the-most-popular interesting cleaner more-beautiful the-nicest more


  一、1、interest 2、hunters 3、keep 4、farmlands 5、hungry 6、solve 7、ourselves 8、Wednesday 9、less 10、teeth

  二、1、playing 2、worrise 3、is blowing 4、is trying 5、happened 6、will watch 7、Keep 8、to feed 9、is washing 10、looks

  三、1、B 2、B 3、B 4、A 5、B 6、B 7、A 8、C 9、D 10、A 11、B 12、、B

  四、1、B 2、C 3、C 4、D 5、D 6、A 7、C 8、B 9、A 10、C

  五、1、Youth Award. 2、He is very helpful、 3、Yes,he is. 4、He quickly jumped into the water and did his best to save the boy. 5、Zhang Li.


  一、1、thinner 2、closed 3、heroes 4、advertisements 5、actions 6、bamboos 7、living 8、smlilng 9、most busy 10、weight

  二、1、less than 2、taught himself 3、as as 4、 What about 5、belongs to 6、Are able to7、shorter than 8、is favourite 9、on foot 10、by himself

  三、1、on 2、on of 3、out of 4、at 5、in 6、in 7、on 8、around in 9、through 10、at

  四、smoke away knocked called through could helped arrived out thanked

  五、1、stopped 2、did find found 3、got 4、died 5、were was 6、will be 7、felt 8、is waiting 9、go 10、will meet

  六、1、D 2、C 3、A 4、C 5、B


  一、1、C 2、A 3、B 4、A 5、C 6、C 7、A 8、C 9、A 10、D

  二、1、B 2、C 3、B 4、D 5、A

  八上英语寒假作业答案 篇2



  1、wolves 2、beginning 3、wears 4、least 5、tasty 6、nowhere 7、pleasant 8、Climbing 9、crazy 10、without


  1、D 2、B 3、A 4、B 5、B 6、B 7、A 8、D 9、A 10、A 11、B 12、A


  1、with 2、from 3、in 4、at 5、of 6、for 7、in、for 8、in 9、with 10、by


  1、practicing 2、were 3、will die 4、didn’t watch 5、smoking 6、are getting 7、lost 8、keep 9、lying

  10、to watch


  1、Don’t open when driving

  2、won’t camping it rains

  3、leave five-year-old on own

  4、The ninth the same as

  5、make noise to do


  1、C 2、B 3、A 4、A 5、A 6、C 7、D 8、D 9、A 10、D



  1、Leaves 2、activities 3、ninth 4、worried 5、beauty 6、useful 7、amazing 8、less 9、better 10、weight


  1、have less than

  2、is helpful to

  3、spend better results on

  4、as interesting as

  5、Luckily put out

  6、took a trip famous


  1、A How far

  2、B Are

  3、B not talk

  4、B /

  5、B so much

  6、B doesn’t like

  7、B to answer

  8、B will be

  9、B isn’t

  10、D on


  1、C 2、B 3、C 4、B


  1、policeman 2、E-dog 3、frog


  1、more helpful than

  2、Did enjoy themselves

  3、keeping secret between

  4、the same as

  5、less time by coach

  6、isn’t on is it



  1、C2、A 3、B 4、A 5、C 6、C 7、A 8、C 9、A 10、D


  1、B 2、C 3、B 4、D 5、A

  八上英语寒假作业答案 篇3

  1-5 BACBB 6-10 ACCAB 11-15 BCBBB


  16-20 BACDA 21-25 BCDBC


  26-30 ACBDB 31-35 TFFFF


  36. uncountable 37. relish 38. instructions 39. blender 40. peel

  41. yogurt 42.mix 43. recipe 44. Add 45. slices


  46. honey 47. teachers 48. moves 49. chicken 50. to play

  51.not go 52. are running 53. to put 54. to make 55. go


  56. am cutting 57. What’s 58. many teaspoons does 59. Don’t check

  60. Drink please 61. How is 62. Don’t any or


  63.How much put on 64. Check have all 65. Here’s recipe for

  66. correct way to 67. turn on



  The keys to unit 8

  一、1--5 BCDDA 6-10 BCBCC

  11-15 DBDBC 16-20 BADBD

  二、21. advice 22. classes 23. gift 24. aquarium

  25.souvenir 26. competition 27. outdoor

  28. autograph 29.umbrella 30.future

  三、31.What else 32. had fun 33. How was

  34. How many sandwiches 35. didn’t meet

  四、36.usually, hanging, out 37. monitor, sleeping,

  late 38. got, wet 39. end ,of


  五、41. went 42. took 43. came 44. began

  45. asked 46. bring 47. wanted

  48. did 49. found 50. put

  六、51--55.a b d c g

  七、56—60 BCABA 61—65 BBACB

  八、 A

  66. John and his sister stayed wi th Michael for a holiday.

  67. It lasted for one week.

  68. No, he doesn't.

  69. Tom and Ann will be in Grade Two next year.

  70. Because he hurt his foot.

  B: 71—75 BCCDC

  九、A Happy Trip

  On holidays, after I finished my homework. I decided to go to Mount Tai with my friends. We took the bus to the beautiful place. It took us abouttwo hours to get there. Then we began to climb the mountain. There were many trees and flowers on it. And there were a lot of visitors. Some of them were foreigners. At noon we sat under the trees and had our picnic lunch. All the food was delicious. We took many photos during the trip.

  We were all tired but very happy.


  重点短语:1. too ... to ... 2.take part in 3.because of 4. major in management

  5. start doing sth. start to do sth. 6.spend some time with sb.

  7. spend sometime [in] doing sth. , spend sometime on sth.

  8. see sb. do sth.9. see sb. doing sth. 10. become a skating /an ice skating champion

  11. play for the national team 12. win a gold medal

  13. perform Beijing Opera 14. at the world championships 15. women’s single players






  6.B解析:tour to…“去……旅游”,且last summer是过去时间状语,动词用过去式。

  7.D解析:a piece of beautiful music。“一首美妙的乐曲,”

  8.A解析:bought是buy的过去式。时间状语应用a week ago。

  9.A解析:由答句得知是对时间段提问,应用how long。

  10.B解析:stop doing sth.意为:停止做某事。


  12.D解析:join意为“加入某个组织”或“参加活动”,故排除A、C;attend意为“参加会议”或“上学”;“在多少岁”用at the age of或仅仅用at。


  14. D解析:learn to do sth .“学会干某事”,固定词组。

  15. C解析:be famous for … “以……闻名”,固定词组。

  II. 1. A解析:twenty years ago “二十年前”。

  2. D解析:副词well修饰动词sing.

  3. C解析:ask sb to do sth. “让某人做某事”。

  4. C解析:because表示原因。句意为:她不能取得成功,因为她没有好嗓子。

  5. C解析:用连词but表示转折。

  6. A解析:词组spend + time + (in) doing sth,in可以省略。

  7. D解析:有意思可知此句表示否定含义,“她几乎没时间休息”。

  8. A解析:词组buy sb sth用反身代词herself表示“为她自己买好吃的东西”。

  9. B解析:此句意为:在她练习唱歌多年之后,她最终证明了她能够成为一名好的.歌手。

  10. B解析:try one’s best “尽某人的最大努力”。

  III. 1. B解析:根据“He was the first U. S. president who was born after World War II.”这句话可知,克林顿是在第二次世界大战之后出生的。根据历史知识可知,第二次世界大战是1945年结束的。而克林顿是1993年开始任美国总统的。(Bill Clinton took office on January 20, 1993 and became the 42nd U.S. President.)用1993减去1945,可以推测他当时的年龄是48岁。

  2. B解析:本题属细节理解题。 “ Three months before he was born, his father, Willam Blats, died.”是答案的出处。

  3. D.解析:本题同样是细节理解题,答案就在第二段的末句中。

  4. C.解析:短文末段的首句已交代得非常清楚。

  5. A.解析:文章并没有涉及A项内容,事实上也不可能。

  6. F 7. F 8. T

  9. He grew vegetables in his garden and sold them. With the money he set up a chemical laboratory.

  10. Possible answer: Yes. Because he was awarded 1, 368 separate and distanced patents.

  during his lifetime.

  11.Thomas Edison

  12.on Feb.11th.1847

  13.on Oct.18th.1931

  14.three months

  15.built a lab

  16.invented the photograph

  17.1879 invented the first commercially practical incandescent electric lamp

  18.1891 invented and patented the motion picture camera.

  19.1900—1910 invented and perfected the steel alkaline storage battery

  20.Possible answer:Michael Jordan.Because he is a hero in my heart.

  Ⅳ.1.cheaper 2.programmer 3.University 4.talented 5.record

  Ⅴ.1.had 2.Did,play,didn’t 3.does,do,watches,reads 4.went 5.didn’t visit,stayed,did 6.did,start,started 7.was,stopped 8.Does,do,does 9.is,isn’t 10.Was,wasn’t

  VI. 1. How long, stay 2. when, was, old 3. These, are 4. What did, do 5. too, to reach

  ⅥI.One possible version:

  A famous ping-pong player

  Zhang Yining is a famous Chinese ping-pong player.She was born in Beijing on the fifth of October,1982.She is 1.68 meters tall.She started to play ping-pong when she was six years old.In 1991,she joined the Beijing table tennis team.When she was 11 years old,she joined the national table tennis team.At the age of 16,she became a ping-pong champion.In 2oo4 she took part in the 28th Olympic Games in Athens and won two gold medals.And she won two gold medals at the 48th World Table Tennis Championship in 2019.


  重点短语:1. grow up 2. at the same time 3. all over

  4. all over the world = around the world 5. be going to do sth.

  6. practice doing sth. 7. study hard (at math)

  8. take (acting / English) lessons 9. sound + adj. 10. sound like + n. )

  11. save money 12. buy sb. sth. = by sth. for sb.

  13. buy sth. with the money 14. write articles 15. learn to do sth.

  16. get good grades 17. do / play sports = take exercise 18. keep fit = stay /keep healthy

  19. write to sb. = write a letter to sb 20. enjoy doing sth.


  2.C解析:move to somewhere“搬到某处”。

  3.C解析:句意为:当我做完家庭作业,我就可以做我所想做的事了。what=the thing(s),主句的宾语,从句的先行词+that。从句的关系代词,这样才能构成完整的句子。而其他三个代词A、B、D无此功能,不能构成完整的句子,也就是说缺构成从句的必要成分。what引出的从句一般译成“……所……的”。


  5.A解析:由时间next year可知应用将来时。



  13.C解析:从she didn’t even look at him可知,她自然不愿意告诉Allan他的杯子里有苍蝇。tell sb.about sth.意为“告诉某人某事”。





  3.D解析:“Jack wants to be an engineer.”“Hob is interested in math and science.”“Joan wants to be a woman astronaut.”可知,应选D。在这里science意为“理科”。

  4.A解析:由句子“Joan wants to be a woman astronaut.”可知,应选A。







  Ⅳ.1.built 2.instruments 3.resolution 4.reader 5.Keep

  Ⅴ.1.What’s,going 2.received 3.him interested 4.may be 5.w ant / plan,one,years

  Ⅵ.1.hold,exhibitions 2.have,welcome 3.somewhere,retire 4.job as 5.communicate,with

  Ⅶ.1.Would you like to come?/Do you want to come?/Will you come?/Can you come?/I would like you to come.

  2.That’s great(wonderful,good,cool)!/wonderful!/Good!

  3.I can’t come on Wednesday./I’m afraid I can’t come on Wednesday./I have to…on Wednesday./I don’t have time on Wednesday.

  4.at eight thirty./at 8:30.

  5.I can find it./No problem./Don’t worry./I’ll find it easily./i won’t miss it./I’ll be there(on time)./It is easy for me to find it.

  Ⅷ.One possible version:

  The winter vacation is coming.I have a plan.First,I am going to have a good rest.Then I’m going to read some books and work hard at math.because I’m not very good at it.If I’m free.I’m going to help my parents do the housework.I also want to see my grandparents.And I’m going to tell them the way to keep healthy.I want to tell them to eat more vegetables and exercise more.

  I’m looking forward to the winter holiday!



  1— —10 DBCCD BBACA

  11——20 DCBAC CBCAC

  21——30 DCCBA ACBAD

  31——40 ABCAC CDABD


  41. looks 42 went, had 43. to come, to talk 44. was, playing, was

  45. didn’t invite, am not going / won't 46 take 47. to get

  48 . am writing inviting 49 why doesn’t 50 Do, need 51 another two 52. washing 53. look after, not in 54. sure, 55 How long does, watch

  56. friends, mine 57 what is to do shopping 58. no books 59 forgot 60、to stay 61、to clean 62 will go 63、to fold/fold trash, fold, relaxing 65、feed 66、favors 67 welcome 68 well better



  Thanks for taking care of my dog. Could you please do these things every day? Take him for a walk, give him water and feed him. Then wash his bowl. Play with him. Don’t forget to clean his bed. Have fun! I’ll see you next week.


  Lin Lin


  I. 1. funniest 2. better 3. success 4. worse 5. enough 6. friendliest 7. cut their prices 8. the most comfortable 9. lasted about 10 days 10. eat any more

  II. 11. the best 12. the tallest 13. the heaviest 14. the finest 15. the most interesting

  III. 16. D.由of all判断,应用最高级,big的最高级应双写g再加-est。17. B.因为是三者之间的比较,所以应用最高级;what指不受范围的限制,which指有一定的范围限制,所以选B。18. D. "one of+ the+形容词的最高级+名词的复数"表示"......是最......之一"。19. A.这句话的意思是:没有空气我们就不能生存。20. B. math是单数,所以系动词用is; one of后用最高级,important是多音节词,所以其最高级在前边加the most。

  IV. 21. B.去掉his / C. the best→best 22. D. any boy→any other boy 23. C. best→better 24. B. very→ much 25. C. of→ in

  V. 26. Does, have 27. shorter than Jack's 28. What's, price of 29. don't, has 30. more expensive

  VI. 31-35 GDBEF

  VII. 36-40 ACBCD

  新目标八年级英语(Go for it )上册期末测试卷参考答案


  一、词汇:(1):根据句意及首字母提示补全单词(10分). 1. twice 2. stressed 3. relaxing 4. takes 5.outgoing 6. much 7. autograph 8. become 9. grows 10. friendliest

  (2):用括号中单词的适当形式填空(10分)11.shopping 12.sheep13.hours 14. more 15.healthy 16.practise 17.them 18.called 19. ride 20 .takes

  二、单项选择填空(20分):1.--- 5 DBDAD 6---1 0 BDACA 11----15 CBDAC

  16—20 CDBBC

  三、完形填空(10分):1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.B


  (A ):1---6 DBCDB (B):6----10 ABBBD


  11. He was cleaning his car.

  12. He asked for some money for sweets.

  13. No, he didn’t

  14. The younger one.

  15. Because he kept the bigger orange for himself.

  五.完成对话(10分):1---5 CEADB

  六.、书面表达(10分)One possible version:

  Dear Jim,

  How are you? Today I want to tell you about my English study. I'm interested in English because it's my favorite subject. I'm working hard at it now. You know, I practise listening, speaking, reading and writing everyday. But my spoken English is not so good. So I keep on practicing all the time. I remembered over 1,000 English words. In the evening, I watch English videos. I try to talk in English with my classmates or my English teacher. I still have some problems. I can't make sentences with new words. Would you please give me some help?

  Best wishes!




  1.twice 2.differences 3.stomachache 4.countryside

  5.babysitting 6.famous 7.hundred 8.depends

  9.interets 10.Project


  11—15 CBBAC 16—20 DCBAB 21—25 DBBAD 26—30 DCACD


  1-5 ACBAD 6-10 CDACB


  五、1.Not too hot or too cold 2.Housing 3.The beautiful neighborhoods and mountains

  4.Busy traffic


  1.How, long 2.may, be 3.spent, getting

  4.Taking, with 5. (1) wrong with (2) your trouble 6. doesn’t have 7. are going


  1. Are , at learning 2. How often surf 3. May, some questions about, vacation plans 4. both have 5. It’s easy, balanced diet 6. come over , to discuss


  1. longer 2. must 3. nothing 4.quieter 5.drawing 6. quieter 7. better 8. younger 9. from 10. both




  八上英语寒假作业答案 篇4





  四、 was doing is was doing to leave natural easily importance

  五、grew into to make for the first time are in danger encourages us to help

  will catch the school bus at the beginning are good at take away

  六、you will what is How long How can by plane

  七、She started to eat bamboo shoots and leaves

  Less and less space

  Too much traffic

  how to make a home page

  weighed 35 kilograms

  八、natural wetlands provides ideal comfortably

  九、China 13 basketball film fruit



  二. 单项选择。(20分)

  1-5 BDAAD 6-10 CDDAB 11-15 BBCAD 16-20 ABACC

  二. 交际英语。(5分)

  21-25 BCDEA

  三. 完形填空。(10分)

  26-30 C B A CA 31-35 C B D A D

  四. 阅读理解。(每空2分,共30分)、

  (A )36-40 BBBCC (B) 41-45 CABDB (C). 46-50 BCCDD

  五. 词汇。

  A) 51. government 52. disasters 53. importance 54. encourages

  55. height 56. screamed 57. directions 58. arrival

  59. covers 60. unnecessary

  B) 61. killing 62. foggy 63. trapped 64. alive

  65. carelessly 66.tourists 67. endangered 68. playing

  69. was mopping 70. to build

  C) 71. crashed into 72. in fear 73. provide for 74. at birth

  75. calmed down

  六. 任务型阅读。(5分)

  76.No, it isn't. 77. Yes, they are. 78. Because they can hear things and feel things.

  79. No, it can't. 80. Its legs.

  七. 补全短文。(10分)

  81. watching 82. activities 83. smaller 84. happening 85 away

  86. see 87. listening 88. easily 89. eyes/eyesight

  90. ideas/information





  1-5CBADB 6-10BDBAB 11-15DCDDC


  16-20BACCC 21-25ACBBD 26-30CCCAB


  31-35ACDDB 36-40DBCCB 41-45BCABC


  46.to start 47.loss 48.twelfth 49.natural 50.drinking 51.terrible

  52.were studing 53.fog 54.destroyde 55. southern 56. themselves

  57. was planning 58. were trapped 59. hurt 60. welcome


  61.Thank you for agreeing to let me go on the trip.

  62.Sadly,it is difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild.

  63.If no one buys furs, then people won’t kill wild animals any more.

  64.The reserve has an area of more than 210,000 hectares.

  65.I thought somebody could hear me but no one came for a very long time.



  二:单项选择题。16-20 BBABC 21-25 AACDB 26-30 ACADC

  三:完型填空题。31--35 DCDAC 36-40 CBCDB

  四:阅读理解。41—45 CDDCA 46-50 B C A D B 51-55 A C B D C


  1) 56. serious 57. sparrow 58. noisy 59. since 60. covers

  61.correctly 62.nicest 63. luckily 64.imporance 65. dangerous

  2) 66.disasters 67. catch 68. cover 69. trapped 70.accidents

  71.too 72.cross 73.carefully 74.hit 75.hurt


  76.because 77. got on 78. was snowy 79. turn off

  80. at last 81. calm down 82. making excuses 83. was trapped

  84. in all directions 85. in a hurry

  七:任务型阅读。 86.Chance 87. by 88. themselves 89. favorite 90. same


  91.They were in a great hurry to move away the stones and bricks ..

  92. The temperature will drop to -5℃.

  93.If farmers cut down forests , giant pandas will have nowhere to live..

  94. Sadly , it is very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild ..

  95.The area provides food and shelter for wildlife .


  八上英语寒假作业答案 篇5


  1-5 A D D B C 6-10B D A D C 11-15 B A C A C


  1-5 ACBDD 6-10 C D B D C 11-15 ACBCA


  1.First of all, it makes the heart beat faster and increases the blood pressure. The cigarette smoke also reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood. Consequently, the heart has to work harder, with less oxygen. Finally, your arteries will narrow faster if you smoke.

  2.stupid ,grow up

  3. If you smoke, you are twice as likely to die from a heart attack.

  5.smoking is good for our health.

  四. 缺词填空

  Speaking; attention; against; others; if

  allow; dangerous; busy; careful; slowly









