
时间:2021-07-02 09:34:19 演讲稿范文 我要投稿





Dear teachers and students:

  hello everyone!

  Natures beautiful and dazzling clothes were beaten black and blue by human beings and became dying. Have we ever heard the cry of nature and the cry of the earth? We need a pure living space! Return my beautiful dress! Return my healthy body! So, we know that we want to protect the environment, but it seems so far away from us. It seems that we can only look on the government and scientists for this matter. However, protecting the environment is related to the safety of human beings and the safety of every living creature on the earth. Even though we are ordinary and small, we are also contributing to protecting the environment. How can we protect the environment?

  I think we should start with the little things around us. Although we are not great enough to save mankind and the earth, at least we should do our part to make a modest contribution to the protection of the environment. When throwing garbage, dont be greedy to save trouble. Just throw the garbage at random, walk a few more steps, throw the garbage into the garbage can. When throwing waste batteries, you should not throw them in the waste battery recycling bin. A button sized battery can pollute the water in an area. It can be seen how harmful the consequences of throwing waste batteries are to human beings. When shopping, people often use plastic bags. After using them, they throw them away. You can see plastic bags everywhere on lawns and branches. When the wind blows, these plastic bags shake and dance in the sky above the city. If you are not careful, they block the windows and "decorate" the city with their own colors, We should reduce the use of plastic bags or recycle them.

  With the development of industry in modern society, people regard chimneys and thick smoke as a symbol of humans victory over nature, which has caused a lot of great impact on the environment. In the long run, human beings will not be far away from the day of "not seeing the sun"!

  The Yangtze River and the Yellow River are the birthplaces of the Chinese nation, as well as the two rivers of life running through the hinterland of China. When human beings are greedily sucking their milk, have they ever heard crying? When the rebellious flood broke the levee, when we stood in front of the mausoleum of the flood fighting heroes in silence, did we ever think who was the culprit of this disaster? It is undeniable that there are natural factors, but what is more important is peoples deforestation? The trees were destroyed and the land resources were seriously damaged.

  In the process of creating civilization, human beings destroy civilization at the same time; The discharge of chemical wastewater and waste residue along the river has caused increasingly serious water pollution.

  Protecting the environment is a matter for all mankind. As students, we should also pay attention to environmental protection and arm ourselves with scientific knowledge. Maybe one day in the future, our little contribution will become a great one. There are still many things we can do for environmental protection. For example, we can learn foreign languages well, use popular science knowledge to educate citizens all over the world about environmental protection, learn biology and chemistry well, return the earth to a pure sky and earth, learn literature well, praise the magnificence of nature with the pen in our hands, learn painting well, and describe the magic of the earth with the pen in our hands. Of course, we should continue to take good care of every green space and remove the white garbage with our own hands.


Dear teachers and students:

  We have only one earth, we have only one blue sky, we have only one home of our own, protect the earth, from now on, dont let our living home be destroyed, the following is an environmental protection speech on low carbon life, lets have a look together~

  For us humans, the earth is our home for survival. If we destroy it, we cant survive.

  We love the earth, just like a newborn baby attached to the warm embrace of its mother. It is the earth that breeds life and gives us endless vitality; It is the earth that gives us joy; It is the earth that gives us beautiful colors. The earth is our mother.

  We love the blue sky. It is the deep blue sky that breeds the elegant white clouds. The eagle spread its wings and soared in the vast sky. All kinds of birds fly freely in the sky. The blue sky gives us endless fantasy.

  We love mountains, which breed many rare animals: snow leopard, cliff sheep... Gallop freely in the mountains.

  We love grassland. It is the grassland that breeds sheep, and it also creates wolf, the natural enemy of sheep. Although the wolf is ferocious, but also effectively curb the number of sheep.

  We love the earth, love everything on the earth, and cherish the only home, but Under the uncontrolled felling of trees by human beings, many trees fell down, and the animals and birds in the forest were homeless. Human beings cut down trees and turn forests into fields. However, due to the cutting down of all the trees, tornadoes and sandstorms swept by. Trees fell and soil erosion was serious, which led to the Yellow River becoming a real "Yellow River", with water flowing downstream with soil. Every year, dozens or even hundreds of tons of sediment are deposited in the lower reaches of the Yellow River.

  Under the continuous human mining, countless mountains are full of holes. Take Huangshi as an example. Once there were countless mineral deposits in Tonglushan and Tieshan, there were few left. Whenever the wind passes through the big hole on the mountain, it makes a "whine" sound, just like the mountain weeping.

  People build chemical plants by the river, and waste water is discharged into the river. Unreasonable people use polluted water to irrigate their fields. The fields are polluted and they cant grow crops. They have to cut down trees again.

  In this way, our only home has been destroyed beyond recognition.

  We have only one earth, we have only one blue sky, we have only one home of our own, protect the earth, from now on, dont let our living home be destroyed.


Dear teachers and students:

  hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "everyone creates a green home".

  Who doesnt want the sky above you to be as blue as a mirror,

  Who doesnt want the earth under his feet to be green,

  Who doesnt want the lake to be clear,

  Who doesnt want the sun shining like gold.

  Yes, who doesnt want such a natural picture? But now were getting further away from it. The increasing destruction of the ecological environment has seriously threatened our homes. The sky is as blue as a mirror, and the earth is as green as grass. It is no longer there. However, we are obstinately destroying the environment. This situation is really worrying. Recently, the grassland degradation in Inner Mongolia is serious, which has reached an alarming level. Among the 63.59 million hectares of available grassland, the area of degraded grassland has reached 38.67 million hectares, accounting for 60% of available grassland.

  Hulunbuir grassland and Xilinguole grassland, which are famous for their abundant water and grass, have degraded by 23% and 41% respectively. Ordos grassland has the most serious degradation, with an area of more than 68%. In the past, the sandstorm was basically initiated from the desert areas of Alxa League and Bayannaoer League, but this year it moved eastward to Ulanqab League and Xilinguole League, sounding the most worrying ecological warning to the world: the beautiful Xilinguole grassland has also been seriously desertified. Dongwuzhumuqin banner is the most typical meadow grassland in Inner Mongolia and even in the world. The degraded grassland area has accounted for more than 66% of the available grassland in the whole banner. Alashan League and YIKEZHAO League, represented by desert grassland, are facing more severe grassland degradation and desertification.

  Compared with the 1950s, the grassland coverage of Alxa Left Banner has decreased by 30% to 50%. At present, desert and semi desert have accounted for 96.9% of the grassland in Alxa Left Banner.

  One shocking number after another shows that it is urgent to create a green home. Our action can not only appeal, but also start from me to create a green home. Of course, its very difficult to create a green home, and it cant have an immediate effect now, but as long as we make unremitting efforts, we can see the results. As long as you pay attention to the little things in your life, you will find that it is so easy to create a green home. If you bend down every day to pick a piece of paper on the ground, the road you walk will be more clean. In the long run, you will find that your green home will be built, and our green home will be built. So, your green home is just a little work. Why not? If everyone has such a high environmental awareness, then the above things will not happen, and we will not face such an ecological environment.

  In order to protect our common home - the earth

  We call the green of life with devout voice

  In order to make the earth beautiful

  In order to make our home green and blue

  Lets hold hands

  Lets hold hands

  Join the ranks of "calling for green"

  Protect green home

  Plant a green seed today

  Harvest a blue sky and green space tomorrow!

  Lets start with me!

  Take action, from now on!

  thank you!


Dear teachers, dear students:

  hello everyone! My topic today is "protecting the earth - our home.".

  Students, we all know that clothes can be mended after they are broken, tables are broken and can be repaired. Shoes can be washed when they are dirty. However, if the earth is destroyed, it is not to be mended casually, the consequences are unthinkable!

  Decades ago, the earth was a green, a blue sky. The river before was clear, but also can see fish whispering in the river, happy play! When you walk into the woods, you can feel the fragrance of flowers. You can feel the trouble and throw them out of the sky. The forest here is very lush and lush!

  But now? The river has changed from clear to bottom into a stinky ditch. Because people put everything into the mouth of the stinky ditch, there are rubbish that people discard, waste water and waste from factories... But now, when we enter the forest, we will not smell the smell of flowers, and the troubles will be gone. Now, we smell the smell of flowers and feel more and more troubles. Its because people leave their snack bags in the woods when they go to the forest. Now the trees have become "bald.". Its because people have been cutting trees to make disposable cutlery.

  So what do we need to do to protect the earth?

  1. No disposable tableware

  2. More trees and afforestation, no deforestation

  3. Waste water and waste water shall not be discharged randomly

  4. Dont litter

  Teachers, students, earth, this mother of mankind, cradle of life, are so beautiful and magnificent, amiable. If we dont protect the earth again, we will lose our homes and destroy ourselves. Lets start from now on, from a little bit, save a green, protect a blue sky, and retain a stream of water. Everyone is here to protect our mother earth!

  My speech is over. Thank you all!


Dear teachers and students:

  hello everyone!

  There is only one earth for human beings, which is the natural resource for human survival. If people want to live a happy and perfect life, they must consciously protect the natural environment and take good care of the earth.

  However, in recent years, the earths environment is getting worse and worse: global warming, frequent occurrence of disastrous weather such as hurricanes and rainstorms, frequent occurrence of infectious diseases such as SARS and avian influenza have brought serious threat and inconvenience to human life and work. These are the results of peoples constant "harm" to the earth.

  Large areas of forests have been cut down, green mountains have been excavated, beautiful grasslands have become deserts, and clear rivers have become turbid currents. With fewer woods, bare green hills, barren grasslands and dark water, peoples living environment has become worse, their breathing air has become worse, and their living environment has been "occupied" by many harmful things. The virus will take the opportunity to get into peoples bodies, and we will suffer from some terrible diseases.

  A few days ago, I saw such a cartoon in the newspaper: a man sitting on the top of a tree is cutting the branch he is sitting on“ Well, thats funny. " Some people might think so. Dont you think its just a funny cartoon? Isnt it just satirizing us? Dont you realize that it is warning us that human beings are unknowingly harming themselves while destroying the environment.

  When you walk on the street, if you want to spit, what do you do? If you choose to vomit on the ground, have you ever thought that you are harming yourself? A mouthful of phlegm contains a lot of bacteria, which will breed and infect when the sun is shining. Similarly, when you cut down a tree, when you dig up a piece of grass, when you pour dirt into the river, dont you think its destroying the environment and "hurting" yourself?

  As the saying goes, "our predecessors planted trees, and our descendants enjoyed the cool." our predecessors gave us large areas of forest and green space. What do we leave to our descendants? Is it a bare desert or a dense forest? You must choose a dense forest. So whats the hesitation? Lets all consciously protect the environment, consciously love the environment, consciously green the environment, improve our living environment, and create a perfect future!










