
时间:2023-12-26 07:48:42 英语演讲稿 我要投稿





  Life needs to be strong, such as Tangshan earthquake, Wenchuan earthquake, debris flow... So many people yearn for life, so many people are strong, but some people commit suicide because of some worthless things, because they are lovelorn, because they have bad grades, because they are autistic, and even because they are angry, but can these small things be the reasons for suicide? Is that all the value of life for them? What about those who are struggling in the hospital bed and wandering on the boundary of life and death every day, and those who are strong in the earthquake and wait for rescue every day? I've seen a documentary about a girl who lost her whole lower limb and only half her ass in the Wenchuan earthquake. She is still happy to draw pen paintings, write novels, and treat everyone with an optimistic attitude. She is a real strong person in life. Life needs to be strong!

  Only patience can create brilliance in life.

  I believe everyone must have seen butterflies. When beautiful butterflies dance among the flowers, did you ever think that butterfly life is hard won. God is fair. He gave butterflies wings so that they can fly freely in the sky; But God is cruel. He let butterflies not only have wings, but also let them go through hardships. Butterflies come from pupae. When they struggle in pupae, they squeeze blood into their wings. No one can help it, only it works hard. A butterfly can't fly without struggling. The beauty of a butterfly is a tragic beauty.

  There is also a pair of famous dance partners. One of them is missing an arm and the other is missing a leg, but they can tenaciously dance their own dance. For them, the value of life is dance.

  There is also a famous dancer who has a very successful career and is preparing to participate in an international competition. But just a few days ago, she was diagnosed with bone cancer. She faces two paths: amputation or death. As a dancer, losing your legs is like losing your life. She was in a dilemma. She won't, but what can be done? Finally, she chose brilliance and the beauty of that moment. When she stood on the stage, her steps were light, and she could not see that she was seriously ill. When she stepped off the stage, she never got up again. This is a true story. Life's efforts are incarnated into performances on the stage. She defined the value of life as brilliance and brilliance.

  Students, for those who encounter misfortune, those who survive the disaster and those who suffer from terminal illness, they choose to fight with death firmly. For them, the value of life is to live! For the dancer who was about to lose her life, she chose to define brilliance with her life. In my opinion, they all deduce the value of life.


  Dear teachers and students

  good morning! The topic of my speech today is "cherish life".

  All things in the world, only life is the most precious. Without life, there is nothing. If you lose life, you lose yourself and the right to live. A seed and an ant are linked to a small life. In the 5000 year history of Chinese civilization, human beings have compiled a civilized river of life with a perseverance of loving life. Beethoven, who is deaf but creates world-famous music, Hawking, a warrior in a wheelchair, and Sima Qian, who wrote a book angrily after being subjected to palace punishment, are telling us the true meaning of life. What power makes them great? What is the power that keeps them self-improvement? Oh, it's life, it's the fire like power of life that makes the unfair fate shine for them.

  "Heaven and earth are unkind, and all things are ruminant dogs." Si is a catastrophe and a national war. How many creatures died in the May 12 earthquake? The land of blood and tears, the sorrow of the people, the pain of family and country. When tens of thousands of lives lost detour and survived, it also brought all of us to sadness and pain. Those lives that are always silent under the ruins are enough to make us bow our heads and mourn. But don't those warriors who are strong enough to defend their own lives and those of others when disaster comes? Jing Lijie, a fire fighter who gave his life to save people and cried "save another one", rescued more than 10 students. He Cuiqing, a 13-year-old girl who lost her right leg for 50 hours under the rubble, was smashed into three sections, and Xiang Qian, a people's teacher who still held the three students tightly in front of her chest with both hands.

  Life is just a process, even a fleeting process, even as short as a hidden meteor in the sky. Shouldn't we let life bloom more brilliance? Montaigne wrote in his love of life: "I want to seize the time quickly to keep the fleeting days; I want to make up for the fleeting time by the effective use of time. The shorter the remaining life is, the more I want to make it rich and full." Seneca also said: "if I can make good use of it, life is long."

  Yes, there is only one life for people. No one can predict when, where and why life will end. But a great man leaves a monument behind him, a philosopher leaves broad and profound thoughts behind him, a poet leaves frightening emotions behind him, and a painter leaves a magnificent and precious legacy behind him.

  We are a member of all living beings. Since we have come to this world, we should let all thoughts, feelings and character in our life bloom into a poetic and picturesque field in March, and sing a warm and full song with our life on the lonely road of life. In this way, it can be regarded as being kind to life and living up to the years.



  good morning!

  My mother told me, "every life is a miracle." I looked at my mother with puzzled eyes. My mother told me something.

  My mother has always loved raising flowers. Last year, my mother planted several pots of Petunia and produced many seeds. The seed is very small. Because my mother sometimes "transplants" flowers, that is, changing pots, a little soil falls off the tray. The seed fell quietly into the tray. When this spring arrived, my mother was surprised to find that although the soil in the tray was only a very thin layer, the seed sprouted tenaciously under the heavy pressure of the basin with the help of a little soil. Mother thought it could not live for two days, but facts have proved that it is very tenacious. It grows day by day, breeds flowers and blooms. It is as beautiful as the petunia raised in the basin.

  After listening to this, I know that the most important thing in life is to face all ups and downs bravely. No matter how weak you are, no matter what setbacks you encounter, as long as you have courage, there will be hope and even miracles.


  hello everyone!

  The theme of my speech today is "love life and learn to live".

  I think life always passes away slowly in a gradual process. It will make people unconsciously forget the existence of time and the happiness brought by life. In the long years of life, we will encounter big or small difficulties. Some difficulties will make us insurmountable for the moment. It makes people want to give up life, but... In the long history of life, what are the difficulties at this time? Don't complain about life because of temporary setbacks. A calm life is impossible. Every life has its own regrets, and some lives have to experience unpredictable disasters. never mind! Fall, get hurt, get up and move on. The day of life is still a shining day. My favorite sentence is: "as long as you can see the sun tomorrow, there will be hope!"

  We should treat the past of life with a grateful heart. Only when we think about it like this, there is nothing we can't let go. Appreciate the wind and rain, let me understand the value of sunny days; Appreciate the disaster, let me understand the ordinary value; Appreciate the pain and let me know the value of health; Appreciate the loss, let me cherish the possession more!

  "Life is fragile, so I want to live stronger!" although every life is a chestnut in the sea, humble and small, it is unique for every individual of life. No matter what difficulties you encounter, don't give up the reason for life, treat life well and cherish life.

  Beauty exists because of life, and life is eternal because of beauty!


  Dear teachers and students

  How do you do!

  I'm glad to have the opportunity to stand here today. I'm also honored to stand here and speak to you. I also thank my instructor, Mr. XX, for guiding my speech. The theme of my speech today is to love life.

  Our lives are given to us by our parents, so our lives are not only our own, but also full of parents' love for us. All people have only one life, which is very important and precious. Therefore, we should cherish our lives and keep enough love for our lives, We all know that time always passes very fast. Many times, time always passes quietly in beautiful years. It is also because time passes minute by minute and our life passes minute by minute. Therefore, we should understand the importance and precious of life and love life more, To love every minute of your life is to make enough sense and cherish the time in your life.

  Life is precious, but also very fragile. I believe all the students in XX school know that many times, our life always ends when we don't give up. We also see a lot of news about young life losing our own life accidentally. Will we feel sorry and sad about this? That's why, We can't regret that we don't cherish life enough and love life when accidents happen. We should know more about tomorrow and accidents. We never know when to come, so we should know that our current life is so precious and so precious. As a primary school student, at this beautiful age, More should be enough to understand and understand the importance of life.

  At such a beautiful age and in such a beautiful learning environment, we should complete all our things, do our best to complete what we need to do, and don't regret that we haven't paid our best energy after the things are over, What's more, don't let yourself regret that you don't have enough love for life and time in the future. What's more, we need to start from now on. We should cherish time, love life, keep enough love for our own life, and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude towards all things in learning and life, I also believe that all our students can love life and cherish time, and will not regret that they don't work hard enough in the future.


  The rainbow is gorgeous, after fighting the storm; Maple leaves and autumn leaves burn like fire after the frost fight; The eagle flew high against the danger of falling off the cliff. They maintained a fighting attitude, which enabled them to succeed.

  Yes, life is endless. After any great glory, there are many little-known difficult struggles. Li Shizhen lived a hard life, but maintained a high fighting spirit and struggling attitude, was not afraid of hardship, and wrote far-reaching medical works.

  So what happens if you lose your mind? The rulers of the late Qing Dynasty were immersed in the prosperous Kanggan era, closed the country and had no struggle attitude. Finally, they can only be beaten and compensated.

  It can be seen that life needs struggle, and the results of struggle and non struggle are very different. Live without rest, keep the attitude of struggle, make the world so bright and make your life colorful. Never be satisfied with the gentleness of the stream, otherwise you will be satisfied with your mediocrity. Only by appreciating the steep peaks can you have the opportunity to appreciate your excellence.

  In today's society, competition is fierce and the situation is changing rapidly. Only by maintaining strong vitality and struggling attitude can we solve countless test questions in life.

  Now many college students think they can have a rest after experiencing the most difficult moments in life, so they indulge themselves and get nothing. Not only can they not bear their due responsibilities, but also they have difficulties in making a living, which increases the burden on their parents.

  Life has no end, reality is always the starting point. No matter when and where, you can't give up. Only by maintaining the attitude of struggle can we prove the existence of life.


  "Life is short, but we can make limited life show infinite value." yes, everyone is like gold buried in the earth, waiting to be found, you know? Gold always shines. As long as you believe in yourself and have firm perseverance, you can easily overcome any difficulties. Everyone should let his gold shine more!

  Do you know Hawking? At the age of 21, he unfortunately suffered from Luger's disease, resulting in muscle atrophy. Therefore, he was confined to a wheelchair. Only three fingers can move. The illness deformed his body badly. His head can only tilt to the right, his shoulders are low on the left and high on the right, his hands are tightly clamped in the middle, holding the palm sized phonograph keyboard, his feet twist inward, and his mouth has turned into an S-shape. As long as you smile a little, you will show your "grin". In 1985, he got pneumonia and underwent tracheotomy. He was completely deprived of the ability to speak, and his speech and question and answer could only be completed through a speech synthesizer. At that time, doctors predicted that he could only live for two years at most, but he was still strong and unyielding. Because he has a belief, "there is hope only when you live."

  The so-called: life is like running water. Only when we rush forward can it be better and more meaningful.


  What color is life? I sat in my chair and thought hard. However, I am not satisfied with the results every time.

  Teenagers say, "life is green." doesn't that mean the arrival of spring? The grass broke through the soil and saw the beautiful world. Doesn't it represent the rebirth of life?

  My mother said to me, "life is red." isn't that the hot summer sun? The fiery red sun shines on the earth and makes the grass stronger. Doesn't it just indicate the strength of life?

  My father said to me, "life is golden." autumn comes. It is a harvest season. The earth is golden. That is the sign of life growth. The farmer uncle enters the hot work with a smile.

  Grandma said, "life is white." that means that a beautiful winter is coming. Snowflakes are flying all over the sky in winter, which is a sign that a new life is about to be born. Because winter is coming, can spring be far behind?

  The earth said, "life is five colors of green, just like the rainbow after the rain!"

  I finally understand that life is colorful.


  Life is not easy for any man or woman. We must have perseverance. The most important thing is to have confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we have a talent for something, and we must finish it no matter what price we pay. When it's over, you should be able to say with a clear conscience, "I've done my best."

  This is a passage by Madame Curie, a famous Polish scientist. From between the lines, it is not difficult to see her unremitting struggle for career and persistent pursuit of life. In the long road of life, as long as you are down-to-earth and believe in yourself, everyone can open up a bright road to success.

  Mark, a famous American writer. Twain once said, "there are two people worthy of attention in the 19th century, one is Napoleon and the other is Helen Keller." when Helen's unique life shocked the world with her unique achievements, who would have thought that she was a blind, deaf and mute person. She lives in a lonely world without light, silence and shadow, but she has achieved miracles that ordinary people can't imagine. All this was created by an indomitable heart. Her faith, her will, let her life glow again.

  Speaking of this, I think of the tragic events that have occurred one after another during this period. A vibrant life, in the twinkling of an eye, left the world. The reason is just family discord, emotional discord and being criticized by teachers. While regretting for them, I can only lament their cowardice. When Helen learned that she would live in darkness and loneliness forever, did she give up? When Edison failed thousands of light bulb experiments, did he give up? Did Wellington give up when he walked through the snow of Waterloo? Yes, they didn't give up. In the end, they all got what they wanted. These fragile lives in tragic events have left this beautiful world in the stupidest way. They never thought about it? The parents, teachers and classmates who love them most will be devastated by the loss of them.

  Friends, please cherish your life. Please taste the ups and downs of the world and feel the joys and sorrows of the world. Don't be knocked down by trivial difficulties, because that is the only way of life. When you climb over the mountains and set foot on the road to success, you will find that life is infinitely wonderful!


  Teachers and students:

  Hello everyone, the theme of my speech today is the value and responsibility of life.

  The value of life is to live, live to complete what you want to do and help others do things. Living can pursue dreams. Living can realize self-worth. Therefore, living is the premise of completing everything. Without life, nothing can be completed. If a person or an animal does not have the ability to think, it is like a walking corpse. Living is worthless. Living can do things and think, which is the value of life.

  A few people will think that living is meaningless and choose suicide. Then I want to ask him, is it fun to die? Are you happy to die? How do you feel after you die? Suicide is a kind of disrespect for life. And I don't think those who commit suicide deserve our respect. For example, if a person wants to jump from a building, has he ever thought that doing so will disturb other people's lives. How much social and human resources should be wasted for a person like him who gives up his life?

  I think life is precious and sacred. No one has the right to deprive himself or others of his life. Those who choose to commit suicide are cowardly. They dare not face the pressure in real life and can't find the meaning of life. Now that you have it, you should learn to cherish it. Don't be afraid and want to recover when you want to lose at last.

  Life is responsible. Our parents have given us life and raised us up to now. He gave us selfless love and took the responsibility of raising us before we were born. Then we have the responsibility to be filial to our parents and let them realize our love. When they are no longer able to support themselves and take care of themselves, we must fulfill this responsibility. What's more, if we give up life, do we ever think about our parents? How can they afford this blow? What should they do when they can't take care of themselves and we leave them?

  Everyone should fulfill the responsibility of his life. To give up life is to evade responsibility without fulfilling the responsibility of life.

  Because of the value of life and its responsibilities, we should cherish life all the more.










