Sample Resume and Career Blog

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Fairing in an Interview

A success interview is very essential in order for you to close in an offer. You’ve just got a call for interview for a seemingly wonderful job! Now what? Here are some tips and strategies for effective interviewing from preparation through follow up.

Do a bit for research before going for the interview. Gathering background information on employers is a crucial element in successful interview preparation. Know the interviewer's name and use it during the interview. You will need to be prepared to answer the questions "What do your know about our company"? & "Why do you want to work with us?" Knowing as much as possible about the company's past performance and future plans can make your interview more interactive. Before the interview review the company's web site, on the website look out for recent awards won by the company or some other media involvement by the company.

Practice with a friend or relative or record your responses so you can replay the interview and see how well you did. Practice makes perfect (or at least leads to improvement). Prepare answers to commonly asked interview questions. Questions like “What are you hobbies?”, “What are your ambitions?” etc. Also the most important question that many interviewer’s ask is “Why did you leave (or are you seeking to leave) your company?” The answer to this question must be short and clear. Calmly describe the reason for your departure, and don't go into details unless asked. Stay with the facts of what happened, what you did, how you felt and what you learned. Then describe how you will handle things differently in the future.

Being on time is another major aspect of a good interview. It is very important to be on time for the interview. On time means ten to fifteen minutes early. Remember to bring an extra copy of your resume and a list of references. During the interview try to remain as calm as possible. Ask for clarification if you're not sure what's been asked and remember that it is perfectly acceptable to take a moment or two to frame your responses so you can be sure too fully answer the question.

And remember it’s not always you who have to answer all the questions. There are some questions which you must ask in an interview like "What are you most hoping to find in the person you hire?" and "What would be my first priorities on the job?" The earlier you can ask these questions, the sooner you can start tailoring your answers to the employer's priorities. At the end of the interview, ask, "Based on what we've talked about today, I feel good about the position. Do you have any concerns about my ability to do the job?" Often, that gives you a chance to counter any objections.

End the interview with a thank you to the interviewer and restate your interest in the position. Then follow-up with a personal Thank You note restating your interest. You can send follow-up letters through email if this is the way you and the potential employer have been communicating all along.



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