

This section is created to help you find the right salary scale for various job profiles. We have more than 100 main categories and around 500 sub category of salary information.

This section of the site is created to help employees find out how much they be getting for a particular job. This can also help employers in finding out what is the salary scale going on in a particular area, city or state of America.


We have provided the salary comparison and salary surveys for various job titles. Our database of salary and wages is updated once a month. We update the salaries of all job profiles once a month.

Here are some good articles about how to negociate your salary and other salary related stuff.

Highest Paid Jobs
As per our salary figures, following are the highest paying jobs. There might be many other similar jobs, but then number of such jobs are pretty less.

So following is the list of highest salaries:

Top Searched Salaries
These are the top 5 category of people who search the most on the net for salary comparison.

Also, don't forget to look at our Payscale section for some generic pay scales.

More Salaries

Job Salaries
Account Executive Salary
Accountant Salary
Actuary Salary
Air Traffic Controller Salary
Archaeologist Salary
Architect Salary
Artist Salary
Assistant Manager Salary
Athletic Trainer Salary
Bank Teller Salary
Bartender Salary
Biologist Salary
Bookkeeper Salary
Bus Driver Salary
CCIE Salary
Chemical Engineer Salary
CIA Salary
City Council Salary
News Anchor Salary
Computer Engineer Salary
Corporate Lawyer Salary
Data Analyst Salary
Dental Assistant Salary
Dentist Salary
Dietician Salary
Doctor Salary
Editor Salary
Engineer Salary
Esthetician Salary
Entry-level Salary
Firefighter Salary
Flight Attendant Salary
Forensic Engineer Salary
Game Designer Salary
Geologist Salary
Graphic Designer Salary
Interior Designer Salary
Interpreter Salary
Landscape Designer Salary
LAPD Salary
Lawyer Salary
Legal Assistant Salary
Legal Secretary Salary
Librarian Salary
LPN Salary
Marketing Salary
Make Up Artist Salary
Marine Biologist Salary
Mayor Salary
Massage Therapist Salary
Medical Assistant Salary
Medical Biller Salary
Medical Coder Salary
Meteorologist Salary
Military Salary
Model Salary
Mortician Salary
NBA Salary
Nurse Salary
Nutritionist Salary
Office Manager Salary
Oncologist Salary
Orthodontist Salary
PA salary
Paralegal Salary
Patent Attorney Salary
Perfusionist Salary
Pharmacist Salary
Pharmacy Technician Salary
Phlebotomist Salary
Photographer Salary
Police Officer Salary
Principal Salary
Psychologist Salary
Radiographer Salary
Radiologist Salary
Restaurant Manager Salary
RN Salary
Security Consultant Salary
Software Engineer Salary
Staff Accountant Salary
Store Manager Salary
Systems Analyst Salary
Systems Engineer Salary
Teacher Salary
Technical Writer Salary
Underwriter Salary
Video Game Designer Salary
Veterinarian Salary
Writer Salary
Zoologist Salary

More Salaries

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