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How to Get a Bartending Job


How to Get a Bartending Job

Bartending positions are highly desirable and equally hard to get. The job itself is fairly simple, but getting one's foot in the door is not. Here's some tips to help you score one of these fun, lucrative jobs.


  1. Develop a plan. No matter which steps you decide to implement below, everything is easier with a plan. Getting a bartending job is no different. Write down 5 places you want to work. Get the contact info for the people who are doing the hiring at these five places. Implement the steps below with these five people in mind. There are a lot of myths out there regarding getting a bartending job, like you have to have experience and you have to start as a barback or server. To learn more and read about how to kick start your bartending job search check out this article.How to Become a Bartender
  2. Meet right people. It's all about who you know. If you have a favorite watering hole, find out who the owner is and start talking him/her up. Befriend the bartenders, barbacks, and cocktail waitresses, and let them know you're looking for a bartending job. Tip well, go often, and generally be a happy, useful presence at the bar.
  3. Observe bartenders in action. There are little tricks to pouring a good beer, mixing drinks, and saving time behind the bar. Watch how your mixer handles drink orders. Most of it is not rocket science; the most commonly ordered drinks are liquor plus a mixer. Buy drink manuals to learn about the more complex drinks and practice at home.
  4. Consider whether you want to go to bartending school. Some say this is a waste of time and money, saying that it costs about $500 and you learn by mixing colored water, not actual alcohol. They teach you outdated drinks like "grasshoppers" that no one orders anymore, and most will claim to help you find a job. These "job leads" are generally terrible dives you wouldn't want to work at anyway. Most real bars will laugh at someone with a bartending school diploma and no actual work experience.
  5. Dress the part. If you want a gig at a fancy restaurant, dress professionally. If you want a job at a hip club, dress edgy. If a dive bar gig is fine by you, dress tough. Most bars are going for a certain look or image, whether they tell you that or not.
  6. Look for charity guest bartending gigs. Many big cities are now offering this option. You pick a charity, promote the event, and bring your friends in. In exchange, you and a couple friends get trained for the evening and get to mix drinks all night. It's a great way to get some experience and make contacts. If you impress the bar owner, it could lead to a job.
  7. Write a great cover letter and resume. Oftentimes a great cover letter and resume is enough to overcome a lack of experience. Some establishments prefer to hire bartenders with no experience because they won't have any bad habits to break. Experienced or not, the cover letter and resume need to be exciting and pop with personality. A great personality and attitude will elevate you above the competition every time.
  8. Prepare for your interview properly. Many bartending job applicants go into their job interviews unprepared. If you look at bartending as a quick fix or so easy to do that you don't need to prepare you will not get the job. The best way to prepare for your interview is to write a great cover letter and resume. You will have them to bring to your interview and the process of writing them will better prepare you for the interview.


  • Come up with a plan and take action. Like anything in life getting a bartending job requires some effort. The more you put in the more you will get out. Decide on the type of place you would like to work, build a list of 7 of these establishments. Write a great cover letter and resume and go to these establishments. Call ahead first so you will be speaking to the right person. Have anecdotes and stories ready and entertain when you get there. Good employees are very hard to find. If you can show that you will be a great employee, they will hire you or find someone who will. Do not b.s. as suggested in other areas - tailor your experience to present yourself as a great employee but never lie about it. More real advice like this is available in a "How to Get a Bartending Job" newsletter
  • Catering companies are a good place to start. They are easier jobs to get, if you can b.s. a little bit, and you will learn a lot by doing basic drinks and pouring wine and beer.
  • Become a barback first. Work your way up the ladder.
  • Bussers have a good opportunity to barback, in some bar&grill joints you must become a busser before they consider you for barback.
  • If you plan on going to a bartending school check their Better Business Bureau profile, be sure they guarantee job placement and that they give you a minimum expected pay rate, never pay for an orientation meeting, ever.

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